Chapter 4

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Lacey leads me to a shack where, even from outside has an overwhelming smell of alcohol. My eyes widen as we step inside and see the dancing teenagers carrying red solo cups. The music is loud and rings in my ear, like when there was a fire drill in elementary school. That brings back horrifying memories. When I was in the fourth grade, we'd always go into the teachers' lounge and make popcorn in their microwave or make decaf coffee while they were teaching the younger kids. We were just about to heat up a poptart when the stove caught on fire. No one really figured out how it started, but from what I saw earlier, it might have been me. I've never really been the type that believes in super powers. Sure, the Avengers are really cool, but that's fiction.

This isn't really like any of the parties I've ever been to. Honestly, the last one I went to was in ninth grade at Disneyland, and we all got food poisoning. Half of the people here are dancing in a not-school-appropriate way, and the others are sitting in a circle playing spin the bottle. We squeeze through the sweaty bodies and meet up with Mase, Tori, and a tall boy whom Anton is leaning in to. I'm greeted with a handshake from Fen, Anton's boyfriend. His hair is light brown with a slight curl. His eyes are big and his mouth is curled up into a slight smirk. If I were to describe him in one word, it would be intimidating.

"Come on." Anton says pulling my arm. "Who's ready for truth or dare?"

She's answered by many shouts, but I stay quiet. Maybe if I say I have to go to the bathroom and just sneak out, they won't notice. I've never really been into games where I don't know what's going to happen. She pulls over 6 chairs and makes a small circle in the right hand corner of the big room. Mase sits next to Lace, Fen to the right and Tori on the left of Anton. Which just leaves one seat, and just my luck, it's in between Tori and Mase. How can I not start crushing on him, if I'm forced to associate with him? Tori pats the empty seat and motions for me to go sit in it. I force out a fake smile and awkwardly sit down.

"Okay, I'll start." Lace says. "Anton, truth or dare?"

Anton places her hands into a T position which I guess means truth.

"Let me think." Lace responds. "Okay I have a good one." She wrinkles her nose and hesitates. "How was your first time?"

My mouth drops so low I feel like it's about to fall off. I may have never played this before, and I really don't want to now. I try not to pay attention to Anton's answer, and I decide to focus on my breathing for the rest of it.

"Jasmine," I barely hear. I glance up to see everybody in the circle staring at me, and Mase talking. "Are you okay?"

I snap out of my daze and slightly nod in response.

"Okay, Jasmine." He continues. "Truth or dare?"

I glance around for an easy way out, but the only door is blocked by a group of boys in football uniforms.

I spit out two words that I know I will regret, "Um,dare?"

Lace whispers something into Mase's ear and his mouth curls up into a half smile.

"I got it." He says, his smile not fading. "I dare you to go get any guy in here, take him into the bathroom, and kiss him. Rules: We can't look to see who you choose, and you can't ask him for his name."

Surprisingly, I approve of this dare. For the first time in a while, a smile spreads across my face.

"That sounds," I start, searching for the perfect word to use. "Delightful."

I hop up and glance around the room. Most of the guys are with a girl wearing short shorts and a tank top, or are single and totally drunk. My eyes soon land on the heavily built boy giving out the drinks. His eyes are deep brown, the type that are mysterious and piercing. His hair is slightly spiked in the front and is light brown with a blonde tint. No slutty girl around him, and I doubt he can drink on the job. I look back to the group to see that they are following their rules by covering their eyes. I turn back around, and the next thing I know, there is some cheap beer all over my pajamas.

"What the hell!" I scream. But when I look up, it's the bartender.

His narrow eyes widen as he starts to say, "Oh... my...This is not okay."

I give him a glaring look.

"I mean, I'm so sorry. But, if the school board finds out we were giving out alcohol, we could get into a lot of trouble." He Continues, his eyes glancing around the room. "Here, I have an extra shirt in the back. Just go wash that off."

I roll my eyes and storm off to the bathroom until I realize I forgot something. Him. I run back, grab him by his shirt collar, and drag him to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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