Chapter 1

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Just on the outside of Konoha also known as the village hidden in the leaf in a forest lives a young boy at the age of 12. He is the protector of the forest, he lives with his guardian, the kyuubi, nine tailed fox or also known as kurama by the young boy named Naruto.

The young boy, named Naruto was finding food in the forest for his family and friends, which are just the animals that live in the forest, many hunters come in the forest looking for the animals to kill them or if they are rare enough sell them in the black market, that's why Naruto protects the forest with his guardian, kurama. As he was picking up some herbs for dinner for his animal friends, he heard a noise, he has great hearing because he has fox like ears on top of his head as well as a tail. You see Naruto isn't just human he's also part fox, he wears a white shirt, black pants and a cloak that can go over his face, looking like a mask.

"I told you were going the wrong way" said a girl with a high voice

"Well why don't you try leading, no matter Where we go, we're just going in circles" said a man

"Hn" was all the other one said, but by his scent he was a young boy like himself.

"Fine I will" the girls talks again.

Naruto decided to follow the to make sure they weren't up to something like killing the animals. The group consists of 3 people, the elder man was tall, had a mask that covered most of his face, only leaving his right eye visible, the other one was a girl with long pick hair and the last guy was a dark haired kid wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants. Naruto could tell they weren't people that would hurt animals but to be safe he followed them. He could tell they were lost, it's really bit surprising considering this forest is magical, the forest changes all the time, if you have lived in their for many years you start to recognise how it changes and you won't get lost.

'Maybe I should help them, they're never getting out of this forest alive' he was thinking to himself but was cut short when he heard a loud scream.

"AAAAHHHHH" The pink haired girl screamed.

"It's alright Sakura, it's only a bear" the grown man said, pulling out several kunai, the other boy followed.

When both the humans and bear were ready to attack I jumped down between them, shocking the humans

"Who are you" the grown man said, still holding a kunai

Naruto completing ignoring the group of people turned towards the bear

"Relax they won't hurt you" he says turning his head towards the group, "you won't hurt him will you"

They all shook their heads no.

"See so go back home, you'll be safe" Naruto says in a comforting voice, which the bear complied

"Now can you tell me who you are?" The guy in the mask said

"My name is not important, but what I want to no is what are you doing in my forest?" Naruto says with concern

"A mission" the mask guy said

"What kind of mission involves coming to this forest?" Naruto asks

"A few of our shinobi have been reported missing and the last place they were was here, you would know anything about this would you?" The mask guy said

"I would not but a lot of humans come in this forest" Naruto says

"Yeah and what happens to them, do you kill them?" The mask guy said

"No I don't, they get lost" Naruto says truthfully

"Lost?" The dark haired boy said

"Yes, lost. This is not like a normal forest you can easily get lost, like you already have" Naruto says

"Can you get us out if this forest?" The pink haired asked

"Yes I can but in favour don't ever come back here again" Naruto says

"And if we do?" Asked the black haired boy

"You'll die" Naruto says flatly which shocked the girl

"Like you can kill us" the black haired boy said

"I never said it would be me" Naruto says

"There's more of you here" asked the masked guy

"Why would I tell you" Naruto says

"Look, can you just help us out, I'm really tired of walking around in this forest" said an annoyed Sakura

"Fine, I'm busy now so I can't show you the way but I'll tell you the directions" Naruto said

"Fine by us" the masked guy said

"Okay, keep going straight until you see a tree with scratch marks on it, then turn left keep going until you see a small pond then turn right, go straight from then on then you'll be outside the forest" Naruto says

"How do we know that's true" the boy asked

"I want you out of the forest as much as you want out, so what's the point in lying to you" Naruto says

"He does have a point sasuke" the mask guy said

"Fine" he said turning around with the other and started walking straight. As they were turning Naruto noticed a purplish scratch on the girls arm.

"Hold on" Naruto calls them back

"What" the black hair guy said now known as sasuke

"You didn't happen to past a bush with purple flowers on it?" Naruto asks

"Yeah maybe" the mask guy said

"You should know most plants in this forest are poisonous and that, that girl has a scratch mark on her arm from that bush" Naruto says pointing to the scratch mark on sakuras arm

"What no, what do I do, am I going to die" Sakura starts panicking

"Relax your not going to die, your just going to Hallucinate for a while" Naruto laughs a bit

"Don't laugh, I don't want to hallucinate" Sakura says worried.

"Okay sorry, here" Naruto goes through his bag looking for something, then tosses it to Sakura

"What's this" she asks curiously looking at a small container filled with something

"It's medicine it should help" Naruto says

"Why are you helping us" the mask guy said

"Like I said before, a lot of people have come in this forest but they are mainly hunters that would hunt the animals here I could tell what they wanted and I've been watching you for a while and could tell you weren't here to kill animals and that you were just lost" Naruto says

"How come I didn't feel your presence if you were following us?" The mask guy said

" what can I say I'm good at stealth" Naruto says shrugging his shoulders

"I'm sure" mask guy said

"Yup, well like I said I'm busy so good luck finding you way back home" Naruto says jumping up on a tree branch and was about to leave when Sakura stopped him

"Wait, your medicine" she says

"Thanks but you can keep it I can make many more" he says jumping from tree to tree to go home and make dinner for his animal friends. So the others did the same wanting to get out of the forest. They followed the direction the fox boy am gave them and managed to escape the forest and went back to the leaf village to tell the third hokage their report on what happened.

How'd you like it.

will team 7 meet the little fox boy Again, find out in next chapter

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