The Fall of the Gays Vol.3

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The curtains dropped open… the crowd went wild. “How is everybody doing tonight!!”
The crowd exploded in screams and applause. I opened with I did something good, a fan favorite, and I went on to perform 13 more songs. I was in the middle of singing, “into the Woods” when all of the technical equipment let out an ear-curdling screech and then shut off. All lights went off except a bright red spotlight shining directly at me. I looked into the crowd and saw nothing but pure darkness. The crowd was stunned, however, they thought it was part of the show, but it wasn’t. The stage lights started spazzing out. They were spinning around and around and around flashing red. The crowd became unsettled and started conversing amongst themselves. I radioed my manager who then went into the stage tech office and noticed that the tech managers were asleep, she tried waking them up but there was no sign of awaking or even life. She radioed back to me and told me what was going on. She couldn’t figure out the controls, all the panels were blinking and then turned red. The speaker systems started repeating, “System Over-ride” She told me to tell everyone that there were technical difficulties however when I tried no one could hear. Everything stopped and returned to normal. There was an eerie silence, not even the chatter of voices or even cars. There was a slight breeze and then a rustle behind the stage. All the lights turned red and started flashing again when all of a sudden the crowd started screaming and scrambling left, right, and all around rushing to their cars. A shadow emerged blocking the red lights till all was dark and everyone was screaming. I radioed my manager but I didnt receive an answer. “Deshawna, DESHAWNA, ANSWER ME PLEASE WHAT THE F-” The radio device exploded into a cloud of dust. I heard a scream and then there she was. Her body slammed into the ground and blood splattered in front of me laying lifeless. I turned around and the same figure that had been stalking my nights and days, dreams, and nightmares was standing behind me. I took off running I had never run that fast in my life. I Jumped onto the bus and cranked it up. I didnt quite know how to drive one of these buses but I had driven a minivan before. It couldn’t be that hard, could it? I put it into gear and Slammed the gas pedal. The medic abruptly woke from her slumber when she was thrown out of the loft onto the floor. “WHAT THE HELL!” she yelled as she fixed her eyes onto a terrified Saylor in the front driver’s seat. “WHAT IS GOING ON? WHERE IS DESHAWNA, WHY ARE YOU DRIVI-” She had just caught her balance when she was slung up against the left window when I drifted onto the freeway. She quickly stumbled up to the passenger seat and latched her seatbelt. She looked at me, “Why are you covered in blood are you ok? What is going on please explain!”
“I wiped the blood off of my face and looked into her eyes; sheer terror flooded my mind as I told her there was no time for an explanation. There was traffic all along the road and cars were blocking the highway from every square inch. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the creature barreling toward us and I realized I had only one option. I looked at Ciarrah and told her to hold tight. I reversed the bus and positioned it towards the left lane I put it in drive and revved the engine. I hit the gas and then flew towards the cement walls keeping my foot on the gas I closed my eyes. The wheels hit the wall and then it all seemed to have happened in slow motion. The steering wheel jerked left as the bus flipped forward. The impact caused the windshield to shatter. The glass shards flew towards us slicing through the skin on our faces. We were flying to the ground the bus flipping like a skilled acrobat plummeting toward the ground. The bus hit the ground and landed on all four wheels. I slammed on the gas pedal and we were off. I drove and drove and didnt even think about stopping. We ended up on an old country road. There were no cars or houses anywhere in sight. Just me and Ciarrah in a beaten-up tour bus. I looked at the dash and realized the tank was on E. I slammed my hands on the wheel, ”How is it already empty?” I looked over and found Ciarrah limp in the seat beside me. Her face was impaled with glass pieces. I pulled over and it was dark and silent. I took my seatbelt off and went to the passenger side. I grabbed her wrist and put two fingers along her radial artery and felt a pulse. She was still alive I wiped off her face and took her back to my room and laid her down on the bed. I went to the bathroom and grabbed some sink water to wash my face I then took a cup into the room and washed her face. I hit my knees. I lost all control of my body and just cried. Tears were streaming down my face. I was hoping that I would rise up and this would have been nothing but a terrible nightmare. I raised up and it wasn’t. I heard a bang on the bus door and I jumped up, panicked, I ran to the front and peered out the window. It was this short girl with short black hair, with her dog. I opened the door and asked her if she was ok. I held my hand out and helped her on the bus. I looked at her dog, I’m pretty sure it was a chihuahua and she said his name was Jose. I asked for her name and she said it was Amelia but I could call her Emma. She asked me who I was and I looked at her with a surprised expression. Did this girl really not know who I was? I asked her if she knew Saylor Twift and she said yes. I told her that was who I was and she freaked out, she dropped to the floor and started spazzing out and spinning in circles. Her dog started jumping around and barking and saying, “Saylor Twift, is the best Saylor Twift is the best!” She finally came into a state of recollection and stood up in front of me. She looked at me and cocked her head. She asked me what happened to my face. I told her that I was fine, and said that some hobo named Natalia in a $300,000,000 Tesla going 300 miles per hour slammed into the front of the bus as I was leaving Subway. She told me she was hungry and I invited her to come to eat with me. We sat down in the seating area and I made spaghetti with meatballs sprinkled with garlic and lemon pepper seasoning. I set the food down in front of her and she gobbled it and swallowed it and dripped down the side of it. I could tell she was starving. I asked her if she had a home and she said no. Her dad left when she was 2 ½ and her mom died after she was hit by a helicopter last Monday. I was eating my meatballs when Ciarrah rose up from the bed and screamed. She screamed so loud it shattered the last remaining window. I jumped up and ran to the back room. Emma’s annoying dog started barking and jumping around. Emma asked me who that was and I told her it was my medic and she told her hi. The dog started whining and I’m pretty sure he needed to pee. Emma took him out and brought him over to the one and only tree for miles. The dog squatted and start topee on the tree. The tree shook and rose from the ground and said in a puny little voice, “What the heck bro!?” Emma jumped back and let out a squeaking noise. I ran out of the bus and was greeted by an ugly pine tree who stated that his name was Daniel. He asked for a towel to clean off the dog’s fluids and I slowly backed into the bus and ran to get a towel. I handed it to him and he said, “Dude, I’m a tree… I dont have arms, you’re an inarticulate human being. I threw Emma the towel and she wiped off her dog’s mess. The tree beside Daniel the pine, turned around and let out a villager moan. She said, “Hi darling my name is Kyla!”
“Shut up Kyla,” Daniel said. Ciarrah walked out of the bus holding her head. She looked at the tree and said she was done. She collapsed and hit the floor. I told Emma we needed to leave and the trees said, “Where is yall goin’?”
“Uh, I dont really know,” I said, “anywhere besides here!”
“Can we come… pleaseeeeeeeeeeee,” Kyla said.
I looked at the bus and then looked at the trees. I didnt know-how in the world this was going to work but I said yes. The two trees boarded the bus and sat down in the back. Their heads were sticking out of the roof and all I could do was just shake my head. I started the bus and put it in the drive. Emma sat up front and her dog beside her. We left Ciarrah where she fell. We drove off into the sunrise and Emma turned on the radio. Munch by Ice Spice began playing and the two trees in the back sang at the top of their lungs, their hair, I mean leaves, blowing in the wind.
                                         - To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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