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((This is COMING SOON))

Castiel is a king, or atleast soon to be, named after Angels his mother used to tell him. It shows that he will be a strong king. However growing up it seemed like nothing was ever good enough for his father, his idol. He always needed to train more, or go on more quests to capture and/ or kill bandits, burglars, murders and most of all magic uses and creatures made from magic, despite how harmless the practice may have been, magic was banned and anyone using it would be executed; his father still proclaimed that anyone breaking the law will be severely punished and made an example of.
Castiel never fully agreed with this however he had no place to speak up, the law is the law. The law is final and being king means making sure the law is upheld. No excuses. That's a kings duty.

Dean on the other hand was forced to leave home as a child, his family was hunted for using magic. He used to scream about how they weren't hurting anyone, that they used it to heal those who were suffering. His mothers last words to him were that he was special, 'magic is not something to fear, or deem as evil. You my son, are not evil, magic is merely an object it just depends on who is using it'. Dean never forgot those words, despite how much he wished he could. Soon after his mothers death came his 17th birthday, at this point his father had sent him to live in the kingdom of Iezildoor, a place ruled by a king who holds so much hatred for magic. He has an uncle there who works as a council member, a royal advisory. So dean is forced to go there and work alongside his uncle.

Little do either of them know, fate has different idea.

((This is COMING SOON))

Our Secrets Will Go To Our Graves. [King!Cas and Servingboy!dean. Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now