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In the reflection of the mirror, I stare at myself and pick apart my appearance.

I want to look like I got more than 4 hours of sleep, but with my puffy eyes and dark circles, I realize that will be an impossible mission.

I have 10 minutes before my presentation, and nausea swirls in my stomach from anxiety.

My life is on the line right now. This is my one chance to prove I know what I am doing and capable of staying on Starfighter.

Even though everyday I fight for my life, I am far happier than I have ever been on Tatooine.

I know one mistake can cost me my life down the road, but until then, I will relish in my freedom and friends.

For a confidence boost, I flash myself a smile and awkward thumbs up in the mirror, then start my journey to the conference room.

Breakfast was out of the question. Vomiting mid-presentation would be the worst case scenario. More worse than death.

Stumbling in with a few minutes to spare I see Stryker at the head of the table setting up my presentation for me.

My heart swells. He is just too nice to me.

"Hey, there she is," he smiles at my entrance.

"Hi Stryk, thank you for helping me set up." I grin, "You didn't have to do that."

"Nonsense, I know how you feel. I had to be judged in front of three Head officers and Vader to decide if I was a good fit for starfighter."

Gods that sounded terrifying.

"Initiation is a bitch, why can't they just take our word that we are awesome," I joke.

He laughs, "Right?"

I cleared my throat, "Hey thanks for leaving me some leftovers last night."

Stryker's brows jump in surprise, "Leftovers?"

"Ready to start?" General Tarkin's voice interrupts.

Buzzing anxiety forms in my skull. Now or never.

"Yes, General Tarkin."

A hand grabs my wrist and Stryker plants my prototype in my palm. When he lets go, my other arm shoots out to hold the weapon with both hands.

Gods, it was heavy.

"Alright everyone, today we have a presentation that will be hosted by our newest member of tactical operations." Tarkin motions towards me.

Every head turns to face me, most of them full of surprise.

Yeah I don't know why I am up here either, pal.

A few gazes cause me to heat up from their predatory eyes.

Although, I am missing one gaze in particular. Lord Vader's.

I haven't seen him since he was in my room that night. I was upset at first, but realized that was for the best.

The more I see Vader, the lower my odds of survival.

"Take it away," General Tarkin shoots me a small smile. I look into the audience and see Lux and Stryker give me a supportive thumbs up.

I got this.

"Good morning everyone." My voice has a slight tremor to it.

"Today, I am showing you a massive improvement to your E-11 Blaster Rifles. An improvement that will increase the success rate in your battles and surprise attacks."

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