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??? POV

I sighed as I laid in my bed, I couldn't get my mind of Y/n, they're perfect in every way, from their h/t h/c to their e/c and just everything, I love them but I can't just ask them, since it's my friends cousin..

I really like them, I really want to get with them.

But the way they are with Kyle, I have no chance, they like him for sure, and he likes them so I'm fucked and Kenny will beat the shit outta me if I tell him or flirt with them.


Kenny was staying over and I had ordered us some Mac Donald's, we were in the living room watching movies and shows as we munched on our Mac Donald's.

"Hey, I'm just gonna say this right now, Cartman is a dick, so I'm sorry if he says something to offend you" Kenny said, looking at me with a slight smile.

"Hey, it's alright, I'll beat his ass if he says anything offensive to me or anyone" I replied, ruffling his blonde hair with a smile as my cat came in.

"Hiya C/n!" Kenny smiled, petting the cat that just entered the room.

For the most time, we were just talking and watching all of us are dead, And we may or may not have been playing smash or pass while watching.

We ended up falling asleep in the living room and we were woken up in the morning by my mum, dad was apparently at his new job, probably hooking up with some other woman.

We both got changed and went out to run about, seeing some kid following us but we just ignored him.

We both decided to go get Stan, Kyle and Cartman to play Mario cart and we all went to my place to play it.

We all had our own controllers and I gave one of mine to Kenny, all of us playing the game together.

We sat and played this damn game for seven fucking hours, so many hours of me winning and Cartman loosing.

After, we played a Kahoot of our lives, I was first and surprisingly, Kyle got the most correct, even Kenny was shocked.

Five more hours later, everyone but Kyle went home.

"Hey, you okay? Why you not going home?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"My moms going crazy and was yelling at me earlier and I don't really want to go home" Kyle whispered, looking at me with near tears in his eyes.

I frowned and gave him a hug, feeling really bad for him, "I'm here for you, you know that okay? My mum and dad are doing stuff tonight so you can stay over okay? Want something to eat? I can make you something" I assured him, I wanted him to trust me.

"Thanks, and I'm okay for now, but, what can you make?" Kyle asked, looking up at me as I let him go.

"Anything" I replied and his face lit up.

A while after, we were in my room eating homemade cookies! Kyle seemed to me liking it and we both were watching stranger things.

We laughed at the smallest things, and we started looking out the window, watching little kids run and fall flat on their faces, it was hilarious!

We ended up passing out on the floors while watching stranger things and waking up, cuddling into each other, well, Kyle woke up first but he didn't move, eh, to be honest I didn't actually mind it, it was comforting knowing someone was here with me.

When we both properly woke up, I was laying on Kyles chest, we sat up, blushing like crazy.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" I was cut off to a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"Y/n... it's okay, you were asleep, plus, I didn't mind it" Kyle smiled and scooted closer to me.

I blushed, seeing him be so gentle with me, it was cute.

"Hey, I know I've only known you for a few days and that Kenny would kill me if I said this, but I rea-" Kyle was cut off by the front door being slammed shut.

"Y/n!" My mum screamed, making me get VERY scared, she never yells.

I told Kyle to stay put as I went downstairs, "yeah mum?" I said, being as gentle as I could with my tone.

"I'm really sorry that I wasn't here last night, is Kyle here? His mother is very worried since he wasn't home last night and his brother suggested he'd be here, is he here?" My mother asked, squeezing my arms into my sides.

"Yeah, he spent the night here, it's cause his mum got mad at him and he didn't want to get yelled at again" I replied, looking at my mum.

"Okay, he can stay here for a while okay? Love you" my mum said and I nodded, running back upstairs.

"Sorry about that" I smiled, sitting in front of him again.

"It's okay, what was it even about?" Kyle asked, looking at me.

"My mum was just telling me why she wasn't here last night" I replied, smiling at him.

"Ah, that's alright" Kyle said and scooted closer to me, smiling.

We both started laughing like crazy and after a bit, we got changed and went out, Kyle just wore the same shit he always wore.

We grabbed the other three and walked around, just chatting and having a riot, all until a car came swerving in and hit Kenny.

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" Stan yelled.

"You bastards!" Kyle added on.

I just stood there trying my hardest not to laugh but I ended up laughing either way.

"Why are you laughing?! Kenny just died!" Stan yelled, looking at me with anger.

"He's okay, he comes back" I laughed, my hand over my mouth.

"No he doesn't!" Kyle yelled, Cartman was just staring at the body of Kenny.

"Yeah he does! How do you think my arm got better in a day! I'm related to that bitch, I have a curse like him" I explained, still laughing.

"You're fucked up" Cartman said and the three just left.

I shrugged and picked up Kenny, throwing him over my shoulder and went home.

"Mum, he died" I said, my mum just told me to put him in my room and I did so.

A few hours past and I was making a mug cake, Kenny came downstairs as well.

"Heya Kenny, you alright? I made you a mug cake" I smiled, handing him a finished mug cake as I made my own.

"Yeah, thanks Y/n, I'm glad you guys remember" Kenny smiled back, grabbing a fork and ate his mug cake.

We spoke a bunch until there was a knock at the door...

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