Chapter 3: Some Kinda Hate

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After finally enough begging from Kevin that Gwen and Hunter agreed to go to Clay's stupid party with him. Kevin wanted to take his car there, so after school, Guenevire went with Hunter to his house to wait there for Kevin.

Gwen and Hunter got out of his car and walked to his front door 'It should be fine to leave my skateboard in Hunter's car for now, right? Yeah, it's fine I'll just get it later.' Gwen thought as Hunter unlocked and opened the door, being quiet so as to not encounter his dad. Luckily, he wasn't home yet. " Thank God, my dad isn't home yet!" Hunter sighed and Gwen laughed at his dramatic relief as they went down to his room.

Entering the room Gwen sat on Hunter's bed " I'm just gonna change my shirt a grab another jacket." " Oh, You can have this one back," Gwen says starting to pull off Hunter's jacket she had been wearing "No, it's good how about you just hang on to for me for now." Hunter stopped her. "Ok, thanks." Gwen says "No problem, I like it when you wear my stuff. Like isn't that my shirt?" Hunter said to her pointing at the shirts she was wearing. A light pink tint rose to Gwen's cheeks at the fact he liked her to wear his clothes, " Uh yeah I think it is, I found it in my drawer from the last time you slept over. " She explained and he nodded.

" Do I sleep over so much that you just find my clothes?" Hunter asked while chuckling and looking for a shirt in his drawers " Yup." Gwen responded laughing at his cluelessness. Hunter usually sleeps over at Gwen's house when chaos issues between him and his dad at home and he needs a break from him. Hunter changed his shirt and grabbed a black zip-up and jean jacket. " Nice. The misfits." Gwen said referencing Hunter's shirt he chose to wear to the party because they were definitely gonna be misfits there. Just then Kevin texted Hunter he was outside. Gwen and Hunter went outside and got into Kevin's car " Alright. Let's go." Hunter said without a tinge of excitement.


Kevin parked outside Clay's house. The trio got out of the car and entered the big house and immediately got hit with the misfortune of hearing Clay's shitty band play Ed Sheeran. " Great. " Gwen mumbled sarcastically as she walked in.

Once they stood behind everyone dancing to the band for a second Hunter spoke up like Gwen knew he would "This rules. Awesome idea." Hunter speaks out sarcastically. "He said everyone is invited." Kevin defends their purpose of being there. " How do they do it?" Kevin asked moments after. "What are you talking about? This is like three chords and they still can't get it right. They suck. Look at the drummer he's high out of his mind." Hunter dissed the band. "I mean, them, all of them. How did they this? Like it's the easiest thing ever." Kevin tried to rephrase his question. " Okay listen to me. Things are gonna happen for us. Someday, all these people are gonna be like, 'Holy Shit! Kevin Schlieb, and Gwen and Hunter Sylvester? I went to high school with those guys. I could've even hung out with them, maybe. But it's gonna be too late 'cause we're gonna be too busy hanging out with the guys from Iron Maiden. Kevin looked to Gwen for a more reasonable answer "Um, I agree with Hunter. Only because I don't know what to say and would rather be hopeful for band success than be depressed that I'm not popular." Kevin frowned at both his friend's answers.

Just then Kevin saw the drinks and started moving towards them. Once he got his first beer, he started drinking like there was no tomorrow. "Great." Hunter sarcastically commented as he and Gwen watched Kevin chug a beer. After that, Kevin wanted to listen more to the music and walked toward the band and started dancing a little while trying to get Hunter to have a drink. " Hunter, it's not that bad, actually, once you get used to it. Seriously." Kevin tried to convince Hunter but Gwen knew Hunter and the shit he watched his Mom do under the influence. Kevin was never gonna break him.

On Kevin's fifth drink, he was getting a little more annoying. "You guys, seriously, our band is gonna be so awesome. I'm gonna practice like five hours a day. I'm gonna be better than Ringo Starr." Hunter and Gwen just rolled their eyes thinking about how they were going to have to deal with this the rest of the night. It was bad enough with the shit music. At that point, Gwen decided to get a drink to hold her threw the rest of the night in these circumstances.

"Whoo! Heavy metal rules!" Kevin shouted as he threw his cup to the ground. " I have to go pee." Kevin told Gwen and Hunter as he began to walk away. "I'm driving you home when you're finished. " Hunter told Kevin sternly. " After. After pee-pee." Kevin said like a child. Gwen chuckled in her tipsy state at what Kevin said and Hunter glared at her.

Gwen began to start feeling tired so she laid her head on Hunter's shoulder, He rested his head on hers for a second and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head before carrying on doing nothing until Skip pulled Hunter away. " What's happening, man?" Skip said before pulling Hunter away. " What the hell!" Gwen said as suddenly fell towards where Hunter no longer was.

"Hey, He just called you a dipshit," Skip tells another jock trying to start a fight between him and Hunter. " No. No, I-" Hunter tries to explain before getting pushed into the football player by Skip. "What did you call me?" The jock pulled Hunter closer before pushing him to his friend. " I was just standing there with my girlfriend. I didn't say anything to anybody. I swear." Hunter explained. " Yes, you did." Skip lied before pulling Hunter closer to him. "Really?" Hunter asked sorta trying to reason with Skip. " Really." Skip inhaled deeply and answered before pushing him back to the other jocks.

Skip threw Hunter to the wall and that's when Kevin and Gwen realized what was happening but were too intoxicated to do anything. There was a loud noise from the amps that Hunter had just gotten thrown into. Gwen rushed to his side to help him as the asshole football players laughed. "Dude, what the fuck?" Clay said to Skip and his goons. "Are you good, bruh? You hurt? Here, let me help you." Clay offered trying to help Hunter up but Hunter pushed him away. " No, no. Let me help you. Take lessons. You guys suck...Bruh." Hunter snapped. "I'm sorry that you feel that way. Do you play?" Clay asked trying to change the subject. " Yeah, I have a band. Me and friends over here. A real band. A serious band." Hunter retorted putting his arm around Gwen's shoulders and grabbing Kevin. " Not like you fucktards." Hunter barked to Clay as the teens around them gasped. " Got it. Um, I guess we'll be seeing you at the Battle of the Bands then." Clay responded. " What are you talking about? There hasn't been a Battle of the Bands since Dave Migdall hung brain on stage." Gwen corrected. " There is this year," Clay said to Gwen then looking back at Hunter. "Go sign up with Dean Swanson but maybe don't say 'Fucktard' 'cause she's a Special Olympics ambassador," Clay said scoffingly as the teens around them laughed at his joke. Hunter fiercely turned around pulling Kevin and Gwen with him walking away from Clay. Hunter intertwined his and Gwen's fingers. " What was that all about? He was just trying to help." Gwen told Hunter but he just ignored her. "Give me your car keys," Hunter demanded Kevin. Kevin slowly pulled out his keys from his pocket. " Come on." Hunter beckoned Kevin to hand them over faster and then snatched them from Kevin. Just after he did so Kevin threw up all over himself and the floor. Gwen hid her face in Hunter's shoulder so as to not see the grotesque scene. " disgusting." She muffled into Hunter's Shoulder and he rolled his eyes at Kevin. Hunter then grabbed Kevin's wrist keeping a good amount of distance away from him as he pulled his best friend and girlfriend outside and into the car.

As Hunter drove to Kevin's house to drop him off, he felt a hand touching his hair, He turned his head to see his tired girlfriend with her head on his shoulder and playing with a strand of his hair. "What are you doing?" Hunter furrowed his eyebrows at the girl in the passenger seat. "Playing with your beautiful hair." The girl laughed. "Uh-huh, Right." Hunter chuckled breathily looking at the girl on his shoulder with a loving look and softly smiling before returning his gaze to the road. Soon enough they were in front of Kevin's apartment. "Okay." Hunter sighed trying to mentally prepare himself to pull Kevin up the stairs to his house. He got out of the car, opened the back door, and shook Kevin awake. " Kevin, Kevin." He said louder as Kevin finally woke up. Hunter helped Kevin to hoist himself up, Kevin slug his arm around Hunter's neck and leaned on him. "Oh my god." Hunter strained at the unexpected weight. " Gwen, a little help here?" Hunter asked. "Oh, right." Gwen snapped out of her own world and rushed to Hunter's aid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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