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First Name: Bubbles
Middle Name: Rodrick
Nicknames: (Probably done by CCA) Bubbly, Bubba, Bubble Blower
Code Name: Sera Mist!
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Species: Killer Clown
Birthday: July 8th
Age: Twenty Four
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: American
Languages: English and sign language

Physical Appearance
Skin Tone: Eggshell color
Height: 6.2
Weight: 145
Blood Type: We dont know!
Face Shape: Round and thin
Hair Colour: cloud white
Hair Length: Short
Hair Style: Fluffy
Eye Shape: Almond like
Eye Colour: Bright icy blue
Body Shape: skinny and lean
Shoulders: broad
Waist: skinny
Hips: Wide
Breast Size/Chest : Wide..
Lip Shape: Almond like
Right Handed or Left Handed?:
Scars: A few minor ones
Tattoos: Two, one on his wrist, and one on his back
Piercing: None
Alignment: Is aligned with CCA and the Circus folk

General Attitude
Personality: Sweet and cheery
Normal Mood: A little sweet heart
Good Habits: He acts like an older brother towards CCA, being always in a happier mood and protective
Bad Habits: Bubbles has a small drinking problem
Strengths: Anger when it builds up, making him more stonger
Weaknesses: He can be reckless with this anger at times
Likes: Clowns, Acting, Stunts, Chainsaws, raps, lawn mowers, CCA's kill tactics, killing, bloodshed
Dislikes: Treant, mean humans, homophobic's, horny people
Fears: losing his family and friends, asylums, seeing Merikh struggle to be a good father, Mayo being angry at him.
Why?: He's scared of losing his family because his old family was horrible, seeing Merikh struggle to teach and raise CCA kinda scares him, seeing as CCA's mom left, and he has to do it all on his own now, Merikh struggles to always see the best of things. Mayo is Bubbles' best friend and seeing her upset at him is one of the worst things he could have.
Soft Spot: Mayo's warm hugs, CCA being a bubbling fountain of fun for him

Dress Sense
Favourite Clothing Brand: Under Aurmor
Items of clothing usually worn: Clown suite, or just a simple hoodie and shorts
Accessories: Headphones, a chain necklace
Make-Up: Clown makeup. Red and blue triangles above and under his eyes
Perfume: None

Mother: Anistasia
Father: Charlie
Brother: Ken
Sister: None
Any Other Relatives?: No, but he calls CCA, Sir Amadeus Hart, and Mayo his family
Pet: None

Best Friend: Mayo
Friends:Amadeus, CCA, Jack, Pennywise, Mayo
Rivals: None
Enemies: Treant, the workers at the assylumn
Love Interest: Mayo

Childhood (Ages 0-12)
Life Story: Bubbles was born into a rather toxic family, being the youngest. His mother was a drinker and his father did drugs unfortunately. His mother was also rather abusive to him and his older brother. One night, his father couldn't take it much more so he ended it for Ken, his wife, and himself..
Birth town: Jemaka
Favourite Childhood memory: When he and Ken played Mario Kart the first time
Worst Childhood memory: The night his family passed away

Teenage (Ages 13-19)
Life Story: Bubbles ended up being orphaned and left on the road to almost rot. The poor kiddo didn't even have someone to comfort him.. That was till Sir Amadeus Hart, father of CCA, found him and brought him in as his own. He kept Bubbles safe and gave him a better life now.

Grown up in?: The Circus with CCA
Favourite Teen Memory: When he met Mayo and CCA for the first time.
Worst Teen Memory: When Mayo passed on because of Treant

20 And Over
Role Model: Sir Amadeus Hart,

Why?: He's like a step dad to him
First Memory: Seeing the walls of the asylum, listening to wails of saddness
Life Story Up To Now: Bubbles has been grieving over the loss of his two closest friends, but he made a promise to keep CCA safe.. To make sure she could grow up.

Current Life
Occupation: Sitting in the asylum cell, listening to Treant
Current Home: ... The asylum (LIKE! THE POOR DUDE! XD TOT)
Relationship Status: Single
Children: None, but he watches over CCA

Dreams and Interests
Dream/Ambition: Bubbles dreams of leaving the Asylum, getting CCA a happy and new life. He dreams of just a happy life though.
Favourite Class: None
Worst Class: None
Hobbies: Reading, story writing, making fake scenarios, drawing
Interests: Making clothes, being an artist
Talents: Making great plot twists
Religion: None
Sport: None

Rating (Out of 10(10 being the best))
Intelligence: 10/10
Confidence: 3/10
Wisdom: 6/10
Agility: 8/10
Stamina: 7/10
Cooperation: 8/10

Yes Or No?
Smoker?: No, but had a vaper
Drinker?: No
Nail Bitter?: No
Athletic?: Mmm.. Not really
Bookworm?: YESHHHH!
Kleptomaniac?: Yes!
Party Animal?: Eh, not really. He tries, but is just DEPRESSED AF! XD
Vegetarian?: No, :3
Workaholic?: Tries to be but can't while sitting on the asylum
Glasses?: No
Contacts?: No

Good Or Bad?
Temper: Good
Patience: Good! :D

Charisma: AMAZING!!
Discipline: Not that great.. lol

Sense of Humor: Yeah! When he's not sad. :]
Wit: No

Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert... YEEEP!!!! HAHHAHAHA
Daredevil or Cautious?: Cautious as FREAK!
Logical or Emotional?: Emotional. HAVE U SEEN WHAT I DO TO THIS BOY!?
Disorderly or Neat?: Neat! :P
Working or Relaxing?: Working! As much as he can!
Confident or Unsure?: Unsure, that's for sure!

How he/she feels about himself/herself?: Uhh, he feels as if he's a failure.
One word the character would use to describe self: Uh.. ... Exhausted.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "I am exhausted.. Both mentally and figuratively. But, I must keep going. No matter how cloudy things are. I must continue. I must go on for the ones I love. And I will, even though my heart is heavy and head is never clear.."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Always being Optimistic and kind.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: When he has lash outs of anger
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: Hos upper body strength! MA BOI HAS MUSCLES!
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: His skinny body seeing that he is almost skin and bones
How does the character think others perceive him/her: He usually thinks they all really dislike him or other self doubt things sadly..

Favourite Food: Pizza!
Hated Food: Bananas
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hated Colour: Lime green
Favourite Drink: Apple Juice
Hated Drink: Wine
Favourite Place: The Circus
Hated Place: The Asylum
Favourite Music: Rock and rap
Hated Music: None
Favourite Animal: Zebra
Hated Animal: None!
Favourite Characteristics in other people:
Hated Characteristics in other people: Vanity, lust. (Can ppl be civil and not drool over.. ppl? FR!-)

? Information (Whatever film/game/book information that could be put here)

If Your Character Could Have A Soundtrack to their Life name 10 songs
1 – See You Again - Charlie Puth
2 – Bring me to Life by Evanenscene ( https://youtu.be/UVob6MQQRqk)

3 – Before You Go- Lewis Capaldi
4 – Hold On - Chord Overstreet
5 – Hall of Fame - The Script
6 – Circles - Post Malone
7 – Immortals- Fall Out Boys
8 – High Hopes - PANIC! At the Disco!
9 – Die In A Fire - Living Tombstones
10 – 7 Years Lukas Graham

Theme Song: I'm Still Standing ( This version without the video XD https://youtu.be/7zhABKteRjY )

Quote: "Yeah, life sucks when it throws plot twists at us, screwing up the path. Now we must choose how we will deal with the bumps and turns ahead.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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