Enter naruko Uzumaki

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Naruko was at her favourite place studying as she read about history of her village she then close the book and decided to go home. 
Naruko was six year old girl  she entered the Ninja academy.  she never fell  behind, and had trained on her own from scrolls and had even had hokages help she learnt the shodow clone jutsu and muti shodow clone jutsu she denied offers from Sakura and ino to be friends she offered said that she had studying to do.

When the first day of her schooling came around, Naruko was a bundle of nerves. That morning she woke up early, made herself a quick breakfast and began pacing her house, truing to decide what she was going to wear. She wasn't going to know anyone and everyone was already going to have a few friends from the class before, so she needed something that would help her stand out.

She rummaged though her closet, which held lots of hand-me-downs she had gotten from Ayame at Ichiraku's. She settled on a pair of plain black shorts, a white t-shirt with a red swirl on it that hid the large 'X' scar on her back and black ninja sandals. She mentally noted that she was going to need to go buy a better outfit. Maybe something more colourful?

Naruko brushed her teeth and looked at herself in the mirror. She put some make-up on Before she left her apartment she pulled her short hair into two cute pigtails on the top of her head and brushed her messy bangs.

On the walk to school, Naruko ignored the evil glares and hateful words she ward under peoples breaths, and instead had a quiet conversation with Kyuubi.

I think I'm kind of nervous. Do you think I will be any good? She thought to herself, knowing Kyuubi could hear her thoughts if she directed them to him.

There is no need to worry. You have trained well, you will excel. His voice said back from inside of her head.

I don't need  friends… But I know thats a long shot. She sighed out loud as she thought that. People seemed to avoid her more now with her scars and weird fox eyes.

I never was one to have allies, I never saw the need. Kyuubi said.

What about me? Am I your ally? She asked.

You are my ward… There is a difference.

Was there really a difference, Naruko wondered, or was the fox demon just trying to cover up his feelings? He always tried to act indifferent to her, but she knew he cared. Otherwise he would have never offered to save her, right? Well, she knew that if she died, so did he… But she knew he cared past that now.

Naruko said her goodbyes to him as he told her to be brave and kick all the other kids butts. When she wasn't talking to him, he usually liked to sleep the day away and let her do her training or reading or whatever else young girls do. Today was a big day so she was sure that she would have plenty to tell him later.

Naruko was surprisingly one of the first people to the classroom. She supposed she had just been eager to get there. The few people that were in the room when she arrived either gasped in surprise or averted their eyes. She knew they recognized her and they were just following what their parents had told them to do; look away and ignore her. It stung a bit, but she wouldn't let it get to her. She climbed the stairs of the class and plopped down on the right side of the room in the middle row. All she had to do now was wait for more students and the teacher.

The next person to come in after her was a shy looking girl with cropped navy hair, pale skin and even paler eyes. She walked carefully and quietly up the stairs to the very top and hid herself in a corner, burrowing into her baggy t-shirt and nervously pulling at her long skirt. She looked uncomfortable and nervous. Was she new too, or did she just not have any friends like Naruko?

Naruko Uzumaki Where stories live. Discover now