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The Project Partners

Taehyung had always been the school's resident rebel. With his leather jacket and devil-may-care attitude, he was a far cry from the straight-laced students who made up the majority of the student body. He never took anything too seriously, and he had a reputation for being a troublemaker.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was the school's top nerd. He always had his nose buried in a book, and he was known for his straight A's and perfect attendance record. He didn't have much of a social life, and he often felt like an outsider in his own school.

One day, the two of them found out they were going to be project partners for their final project in their senior year. Taehyung was dreading it. He had no interest in schoolwork, and the thought of being paired with someone like Jungkook made him cringe. Jungkook, on the other hand, was excited. He saw this as an opportunity to challenge himself and maybe even make a new friend.

When they first met to discuss their project, they were both guarded and hesitant. Taehyung leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed, while Jungkook sat up straight with a notebook in hand.

"So, what do you want to do the project on?" Jungkook asked, breaking the silence.

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know. Something easy, I guess."

Jungkook furrowed his brows. "Easy? We're supposed to be challenging ourselves. We should pick something that's meaningful and thought-provoking."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Why does it always have to be so serious with you?"

"Because I take this seriously," Jungkook replied, sounding defensive.

Taehyung could see the tension in Jungkook's shoulders, and he felt a twinge of guilt. Maybe he was being too dismissive. "Okay, okay. How about we do it on music? That's something we both like, right?"

Jungkook's face lit up. "Yeah, that's a great idea! We could research the impact of music on society, or the evolution of music over time."

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, that could work."

They spent the next hour discussing their project and throwing ideas back and forth. Surprisingly, they found that they worked well together. Taehyung was creative and had a unique perspective, while Jungkook was organized and detail-oriented.

As they were packing up their things to leave, Jungkook turned to Taehyung. "Hey, thanks for working with me. I know we're not exactly cut from the same cloth, but I think we make a good team."

Taehyung smirked. "Yeah, who would've thought the rebel and the nerd could get along?"

Jungkook chuckled. "Hey, don't sell yourself short. You've got some brain cells up there."

Taehyung grinned. "You too, nerd."

As they walked out of the classroom, Taehyung felt a sense of excitement. Maybe this project wouldn't be so bad after all. And maybe, just maybe, he and Jungkook could become more than just project partners.

Later that day, Taehyung was lounging in his bedroom, scrolling through social media on his phone, when he received a text from an unknown number.

"Hey, it's Jungkook. I saved your number from the project sign-up sheet. Want to get together tomorrow to work on our project some more?"

Taehyung was surprised at how excited he felt. He quickly typed out a response.

"Sure, that sounds good. What time?"

They decided to meet at a coffee shop near the school the following afternoon.

As Taehyung lay in bed that night, he couldn't help but think about Jungkook. He had never been attracted to someone like him before. But there was something about Jungkook's earnestness and intelligence that drew him in. He wasn't sure where this was going, but he was willing to find out.

The next day, Taehyung arrived at the coffee shop early. He ordered himself a latte and waited for Jungkook to arrive. When he saw Jungkook walk in, he felt a rush of excitement.

"Hey," Taehyung said, smiling. "You're right on time."

Jungkook smiled back. "I'm always on time. That's just how I roll."

They spent the next few hours working on their project, discussing different ideas and debating the merits of each one. Taehyung found that he was enjoying himself more than he ever had in a classroom setting.

As they were packing up to leave, Jungkook turned to Taehyung. "Hey, I had a great time today. We should do this again sometime."

Taehyung felt his heart race. "Yeah, definitely."

As he walked home, Taehyung couldn't help but feel like something was changing between them. He wasn't sure what it was, but he was excited to find out.

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