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Breaking Stereotypes

Taehyung and Jungkook had been working together on their project for a few weeks now. They had spent countless hours discussing and debating their ideas. They had become closer than Taehyung ever thought was possible with someone like Jungkook.

One day, while they were taking a break from their project work, Taehyung brought up something that had been on his mind.

"You know, Jungkook," he said, "I have to admit that I had some preconceived notions about you when we first started working together."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. "Well, I guess I just assumed that you were this straight-laced, boring nerd who didn't know how to have any fun."

Jungkook laughed. "Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence."

Taehyung grinned. "But I was wrong. You're actually a pretty cool guy."

Jungkook looked pleased. "Thanks, Tae. You're not so bad yourself, you know."

Taehyung chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I just wish more people could see past their stereotypes and get to know each other like we did."

Jungkook nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been stereotyped before too, just because I'm good at school and stuff."

Taehyung's eyes widened. "Really? I wouldn't have thought that."

Jungkook shrugged. "Yeah, people assume that I don't have any personality or that I'm not into anything besides studying. But that's not true. I like music, and I play basketball, and I even write poetry sometimes."

Taehyung was surprised. "Wow, I had no idea."

Jungkook smiled. "That's why it's important to get to know people before you judge them. Breaking stereotypes is a good thing."

Taehyung nodded. "I agree. And who knows? Maybe we're breaking some stereotypes ourselves by working together."

Jungkook smiled. "Yeah, I like to think so."

As they got back to their project work, Taehyung felt a sense of appreciation for Jungkook. He was more than just a nerd; he was a thoughtful, interesting person with a lot to offer. Taehyung was grateful that he had gotten the chance to know him.

As the days went on, Taehyung found himself looking forward to seeing Jungkook more and more. He loved their conversations, their debates, and their laughs. He couldn't help but feel like there was something more between them, but he didn't know how to bring it up.

One day, as they were walking back to their dorms after a late-night study session, Taehyung mustered up the courage to ask.

They walked back to their dorms, hand in hand, excited for what the future held for them. Breaking stereotypes had led them to a connection thatwas deeper than they had ever imagined. As they approached their dorms, Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a small smile.

"Hey, Jungkook," he said softly. "Can I ask you something?"

Jungkook looked at him curiously. "Sure, what is it?"

Taehyung took a deep breath. "Do you think...do you think there could be something more between us?"

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise, but then a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Honestly, Taehyung, I've been wondering the same thing."

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat, and a rush of excitement and nervousnessflooded through him. "Really? You have?"

Jungkook nodded, his expression earnest. "Yeah. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like there's something special between us. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

Taehyung's heart swelled with emotion, and he stepped closer to Jungkook. "I feel the same way. Being with you just feels...right."

Jungkook's eyes softened, and he reached out to take Taehyung's hand. "Then let's give this a try. I want to be with you, Taehyung."

Taehyung felt a surge of happiness wash over him, and he leaned in to kiss Jungkook gently on the lips. It was a soft and tentative kiss, but it held a promise of something deeper and more meaningful to come.

As they pulled away, Taehyung grinned at Jungkook. "So, what do we do now?"

Jungkook chuckled. "I don't know, maybe we should go on a real date and figure it out from there?"

Taehyung's grin widened. "I'd like that. Let's do it."

And so, with their unexpected connection deepening into something more, Taehyung and Jungkook embarked on a new journey together, excited for whatever the future held for them.

To be continued

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