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"Adelaide?!" The first word i hear as i open the door is spoken with an angry tone. I tiptoe my way up the stairs, deciding to just wait this out in my room.

The universe, however, had other plans for me. The door bursts open, and my dad clad in his sheriffs uniform stood in my doorway, his phone on display in his hand.

"Heyyy Dad, love the badge today, you polish it?" I smile nervously, pointing to his badge, his eyebrows raising as i sat on my bed.

"You punched someone?" he asked in disbelief.

"I punched Theo. You know, the guy who killed Scott, the guy who put me in hospital." I tried to jog his memory. He ignored me.

"You can't go around punching people Adelaide!" he exclaimed, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh come on, he had it coming!" I pleaded, "He was taunting me!"

"You should've walked away, you know better." He sighed in frustration, almost rubbing the stress out of his forehead, "I expect this behaviour from Stiles!"

"I'm sorry, Dad." i tell him, and he stares at me for a moment.

"No you're not."

"Okay, i'm not, but i am sorry that Principle Martin saw me." I pointed at him with a small nod.

"Uh-huh, you're grounded."


"You assaulted someone. What, did you think i was gonna let you off?"

"Well, kinda!" i exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air. He shakes his head in defeat, walking away.

"Two days, no Liam!" He called out, calmly walking down the stairs.

"What?!" I followed him, practically pleading for him to make a different decision, "You can't just ban me from my boyfriend!"

"I'm parenting." He announced, Stiles walking in the door just as we reached the kitchen.

"Congrats dad!" He shakes his head in confusion.

"Stiles, tell him he can't ban me from Liam!" I tried desperately.

"Oh that's cheap dad." Stiles scoffed.

"Thank you-" I started, though Stiles hadn't been defending me as i had thought. Instead he was defending his best friend's mother.

"You just stole that move from Melissa."

"What?! You're supposed to defend me!"

"Oh, no. I've got a date, you're on your own kid."

"The promise-" i tried, but i was cut off with a raise of Stiles' eyebrows, silently challenging me to continue as he wandered upstairs to his room, "Oh come on! This isn't fair."

The sheriff pushed past me and stopped at the door.

"There's 20 bucks on the counter for pizza, i have the night shift. Good night!" And with that he left.

"Great." i sighed, trudging up the stairs, calling the blonde who's name was becoming popular in my household.

"Hey princess."

"Ew." i answer him, almost persuaded by his words to just hang up and hang out with Mason and Corey instead.

"Oh come on, it was funny."

"It was repulsive."

"That is a big word that i'm not sure i know." Liam replies, and i scoff out a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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