How I met the devil

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Angela's POV

As I sit in the back staring at Iens back of his head, I think back about a year ago when me and him first met. I was sitting here in the same spot, when I met the devil. I was scrolling though bubble. When I came across a very attractive man, He had the deepest blue eyes, the ones you can get lost in if you look into them for too long. He had the sexiest bodies I have ever seen, he had so many tattoos, like no lie all over. I was going to swipe left because I knew he would never go for someone like me, A fat tall girl who doesn't know how to do makeup and who has ace at age 22. But someone in me told me just do, give a chance so I swipe right, and our two photos pop up meaning we are a match. I couldn't believe it, he must be fake, or he swiped on me to make fun of me. But I see we are a match, I was shocked, I went to messaging him. But again, I stopped if I really, if I really think he's fake why would I do this to myself, I look away from my phone and look around. I am alone in a small town where everyone knows me, and I will never find love. So, I said fuck it.

I hit him with the real cool " heyy" wow how original, I see he was typing but I hear the bell ring for the door. So, I stand up and put my phone on the chair and walk to the cash Reister, I look up from my phone and see Jake and Bill, oh no not Jake he was the popular jock in school, if you can believe me or not, he likes me, but no one can know my mind went backflash. we used to kiss in a closet until he tries to go more, and I pushed him off and told him I didn't want to be with him anymore, we not only could tell anyone, but he would still push me around and said horrible things to me. I told him that as i rolled my eyes the next thing I know he smacked me in the face so hard my nose started bleeding then he grabbed me by the neck pushing me back to the wall whisper in my ear " Never ever roll your fucking eyes at me and you don't get to tell me no, you don't get to decide if you want to be with me, you will never get out this town. You will be stuck with me." Before he can do anything else the bell rings, so he let me go and walked out the door, I fell to my butt and started crying.

I was thrown out of my thoughts by Jakes vice, " hey fatty" Jakes said as they went to the beer cooler of course they grab bud light the worst beer ever, they turn around and see me. They both started laughing " oh look who it is miss fatty" Jake said. I rolled my eyes at him, " Bill I'll buy this you can go" Bill just shakes his head in agreement, Jakes walks closer to the counter I take some steps back to " I thought I have told before to never roll my eyes at me. Don't forget what I told you, you are mine and soon you will understand that. never fucking forget" he said staring right into my eyes I used to wish about laying in bed and staring into those green eyes but now they just scare me now. didn't say anything else, he turns around and just walks out without buying the beer. I pick up my phone and sit back down with my hand on my face, why is this happing to me. I need to get out of this fucking town, I look back at my phone and see I have two messages from Ien. He said Hey beautiful and ask if we could facetime, I was a little shocked that he asked to facetime. Maybe he isn't fake?

I was thrown out of my thoughts by someone throwing cloths at me, " change we have to make a stop" I look out of the window and see we are at our favorite restaurant I didn't even realize we stopped. I look back at him and see Ricky and Mac got out of the car and was standing in front of it, " I'm not going to change with you in here" I said, I see his face changed. Without saying a word, I take my top off and start changing, " I missed your body, I miss just laying in bed naked with you I missed you so much Angela" he said with sadness in vice. My heart starting hurting, I missed that man, the man who used to spend hours looking into my eyes, but that's not him, he lied and made me fall in love with the devil. After putting on the dress he gave me he helped me out of the car, he held my hand as we walk into the restaurant with Ricky and Mac walking behind us. Of course, we did not have to wait for a table even though there was a long wait, we sat down with Ricky and Mac stand behind Ien, " I know this is your favorite place to eat, I want to play nice, ok? let's just talk" he said with a smile.

 Should I believe him? I mean I don't really think I have a chose, " I thought you would go into more hiding than you did, you just went home." He said with a laughed " well Ien I thought I didn't have to" I said looking at him straight into his eyes, before he could say anything the waitress walks up. She has long blonde hair with her tits out just like Ien likes them, " hello my name is Grace what can I get Yall to drink." Ien smiled at her " hey beautiful" he said looking right at me I know i made a face at him because he smirks at me, "I will take jack on ice please and she will take margarita on ice with sugar on the rim and make both of ours a double" he said as he slipped her a 100-dollar bill. He looked back at me with his stupid i got you smile, " I thought you didn't care about me anymore?" he said with a laugh, I wish I didn't care but he was my first love, and I really don't know why that hurt me. I rolled my eyes at him, " God you really forget. The rules, I hate it when you do that." 

Oh, the rules.  1} no talking back 2} no rolling your eyes 3} no talking to other man without him there but with the exception of Mac, Ricky, Jason, and Mike 4} no showing off my body 5} and the most important do everything he says and never leave him 

She comes with our drinks " here ago can I take your orders?" I go to look at the menu but before I can he speaks " I will have the rib eye with the lobster and she will have the lobster mac and cheese" he said with a smile she nodes her head and walks away, I can feel my smile grow. He remembers my favorite thing from here, " I love that smile I missed it the real smile" he said with his true smile. I can feel my heart start to racing. Oh no I do still love him, and I know he can wrap me around his finger again............ to be continued  

Heyyy everyone! I really hope you all love this book! new chapters for all my books will be coming soon!!......... bye bye for now! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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