Chapter 1

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It was a warm day in albeqwurky hat day when suddenly waltuh white got a call on his phone "this is walter WHITE who is this" he says into his phone "hey bicth its me pinkman i need help yo" jessie says into him phone "are you ok" walter says than coffs like someone with cancer. the fone than quickly cuts out "danm it jessie" walter says he than races to his car and drives strate to jesses huse and bursts in "JESSIE" walter screms into the house but no one awnsers "shit" he says to himself he than sees a note on the tabl and he runs oven to it he piks it up and sees it says "hey bitch you need to cum get me lightning mcqueen is outside my house and hes scary yo" "shit its mcqueen i bet he wants those 100 tons of meth he ordered i told him no dnam it" as he runs out of the building he than sees a man. in a mask he slowly takes it off and walter se it gus fring but half his fas has becum robot and hes very mad "hello walter" gus says to walter "i thought you ded i kiled you i kiled you ded" walter screams at him "ha n0 you tink you can kil me i am gus fring the most powerful man in the south" gus saus "after i "died" i had my bode takn to my lab where my suber sientists make a robo face for me wich alowd me to ris again and mr.mcquen cum to me with a nice offer" gus explained "hes usin you gus you don want to be his frend" walter saed angrily "now get out of my way" walter says "hohoho walter you hav no idia how poerful i am" gus says and his robo face expands and a big lazer comes out "this lazer has the pwoer to levl new york city" gus says "he" walter laughs " gus i am the one who knocks ever man i ever kiled i obsorb there power i have the power of mike and even som of ur pwers and when your finaly ded i will take you oven and kill mqueen" walter monolaugs" "than we fight" gus says as he gets ready to fight

Walter White Vs Lightning McqueenWhere stories live. Discover now