It's 7:32 am. It's Friday 14 of April. My phone is on 73 percent as i write this.
---------------------------------------------------------It's suffocating me never letting go never letting me up for air. It's surrounding me like flames in a bush fire never giving the wildlife a chance to breath in air that is not smoke. It is overwhelming. It is like an unfished book series (Wether published or not) that you don't get to read to the end because the author couldn't handle it anymore and finally made it stop. Finally made the drowning, the flamed and the smoke stop. Finally made it all go away. Finally got peace. But at what cost? What irreversible price have they payed this time. What irreversible price were they forced into paying because no one listend and no one was listening. What irreversible price did they pay because the were told to "wait a few hours then call back" or to "just read a book" or to "pit on a movie make yourself breakfast and pretend it's not happening." How are they supposed to pretend it's not happening when its all that they have and will ever know it's the inescapably curs that follows their family from sibling yo sibling from generation to generation Wether talked about aloud or not it's always been there and they've always known it was their future. They had no choice it was what was expected of them thue and to follow in the footsteps of those before, continuing to pass down the curse through the generations. They made the call for help many times and they were told to ignore it and pretend it wasn't happy and to read a book, watch a movie, write and cook. But they knew no one could or would help them the knew that they were going to be alone in all of it. They knew that no matter what happend to them sooner or later they had that genetic escape from it all, that when things got to the boiling point then just needed to pull the trigger or tie the noose or sharpen the knife. That when the time was right it would be waiting for them with open arms ready to fully embrace them.
TW vent book
Non-FictionTW will contain topics of sh and sewerslide will also contain vent art.