Chapter 1.5: Stop teasing me! (Short)

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Kent, Washington

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Tuesday Morning


Nikolai: Ugh... *Opens eyes*

Nikolai then sees Salem a little closer than normal.

Nikolai: What the!? She's closer the usual!

Salem, who was barley awake noticed Nikolai in front of her and leaned in for a kiss.

Nikolai: W-wait a minute!

Salem: Huh? Wha?

Salem opened her eyes a bit to see Nikolai.

Salem: Hello darling~ *Kisses his forehead*

Nikolai: Hey!

Salem: What~

Nikolai: Stop teasing me like that!

Salem: Nope~

Nikolai: Please, it's not like we're dating!

Salem just mumbles.

Salem: Not yet at least~

Nikolai: What was that?

Salem: Oh nothing~

Recording Ending.

Loading Universal Recording #2

Thursday Night

Nikolai, and RWBYS had just finished eating dinner.

Ruby: What food was this? It was good!

Nikolai: It was beef stroganoff.

Weiss: That was interesting food.

Nikolai: It was some traditional Russian food.

Blake: Russian?

Nikolai: A nationality here, I have a book in the living room if you want to read it.

Blake: Thank you.

Ruby: *Yawn* I'm going to go to bed now.

Nikolai: We all should.

Yang: Let's go then.

All of them left for the bedroom.

Salem and Nikolai got in bed, but Salem did something different.

Salem and Nikolai got in bed, but Salem did something different

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(A/N) Swap positions.

Nikolai: H-hey!

Salem: What something the matter~

Nikolai: I- Uh... no....

Salem: Thought so~ *Pulls him in closer*

Nikolai: Hmmm, mmhh, hmphh!

Nikolai was pushed in her cleavage making him unable to speak.

Salem: Stop talking or I might moan out loud~

Nikolai pushed with all his strength getting himself out of there.

Nikolai: What was that for!

Salem: What, it was my thanks for that wonderful dinner.

Nikolai: Could've just said thanks...

Salem: Yes, but I like my way, much better~

Recording Ending.

Loading Universal Recording #3

Friday morning.


Nikolai: Ugh... *Sits up*

Nikolai felt that something was wrong and saw Salem not there.

Nikolai: What the?

Nikolai looked to around to see Salem nowhere.

Nikolai: I guess, she's up early.

Nikolai then got up and went to the shower.

He opened the door and saw a naked Salem standing there.

Nikolai/Salem: ...

Nikolai: *Blushing* AHH! *Slams the door*

Salem: Don't be like that darling~ *Blushing*

Nikolai: I'm sorry!


Nikolai had returned from school and was sitting in the living room.

Nikolai: God, I hate school.

Nikolai then heard steps from behind him.

Nikolai: Who's there?

Salem: Just me darling~

Nikolai: Oh.

Salem then walked to him and sat down between his legs.

Nikolai: H-hey! W-hat are you doing!?

Salem: Just sitting down~

Nikolai: N-not between my legs please~

Salem: What something wrong~ *Starts rubbing down on Nikolai... you know*

Ruby, who was in the kitchen, saw the situation unfolding in front of her.

Ruby: FILTH!

Nikolai and Salem turned to Ruby.

Nikolai: R-Ruby it isn't what you think it is!

Salem: Or is it~ *Rubs a little harder*

Nikolai: Hgnn~ Stop! 


Nikolai then gets up.

Salem: Aww~


Nikolai: Ruby listen!

Ruby: Never! I saw what I saw! *Runs away*

Recording Ending.

Ok, sorry this was short, but a I gotta progress this some way are another. But up next would be my COD book, and since most book chapters are already made, this will be quick until the next chapter since this was a little rushed. Anyways, always remember!



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