First Words

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Kinnidy💕Monday 6:30amBrooklyn, New York__________________

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Monday 6:30am
Brooklyn, New York

"Kin Kin time to get up baby" I hear my mom says waking me up. I turn over to see my my standing in my room with her robe on and a bonnet.

"Yes Ma'am" I say getting up going to my connected bathroom. I played Crooked Smile by J. Cole on my mini Alexa. I love me some J. Cole. His lyrics be fye as hell.

I put on my clothes for today and put on some light makeup since I didn't feel like doing too much since it was school.

I walked down stairs to see my mom cooking breakfast. "Hey mama" I say walking into the kitchen. "Hey baby" she said smiling.

"Excited about you first day of senior year" she says making scrabbled eggs. "Yes ma'am I am" I say smiling watching her.

Today was my first day of senior year. I am excited but kinda sad. I actually like school some what I have my friends and stuff so I enjoy it.

"So your brother called" she says still focusing on her cooking. "Oh ok what did he want" I say scrolling through Instagram.

"He said that y'all's father called him. They been talking and he wants to see you" she says turning to me. 

Why the fuck is he calling my brother. And why he wanna talk to me. He didn't wanna talk to me when I was first born. He just left us. And now that my family is successful he wants to show up.

"That's not my father. He lost that name when he left us on the street to fend for ourselves" I say looking up at her. She looked disappointed and understanding.

"Baby I know you're upset about that but you have to give him a chance." She says placing my food on the table in front of me.

"I don't gotta give him shit mama. He was so busy being a rolling stone that he forgot about him. Mama don't you remember that" I ask her looking at her confused.

"Yes I remember it like it was yesterday. But you still should give people second chances." She says sitting across from me.

"Nah I'm good on him" I say eating my food. "Ok that's fine. You don't have to. At the end of the day I just want you happy" she says smiling at me. "I know mama" I say smiling.

A couple minutes of talking my bus finally get here. "Ok mom that's my bus I'll see you later" I say heading out the door. "Ok baby I love you" she says waving. "Love you more" I respond.


We finally pull up to the school and everybody gets out but I am the last one.

Zuri💕 POV

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Zuri💕 POV

I am leaning against my car with my homeboys waiting on my girl to get off the bus. I see a bus pull up but it wasn't hers. I start to look and watch as the people come out.

I watch as the last person comes out and I see the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. Her skin was Chocolate Brown and her eyes were more beautiful than the morning sky. I looked closer and noticed that I seen her before but never really noticed her.

"Hey baby" Trina say coming up rubbing on my arm. "Hey wassup" I say kinda moving away from her. She smelt different than her usual scent.

"What nigga you been around" I say looking at her weird. "Baby what you mean" she say still all up on me. "Bitch you heard me what nigga you been around" I say moving away from her.

" Hey Trina baby who dis" some dude say coming over to us. That nigga smelt the same as her. "Nobody you need to worry about. But y'all cute. Trina don't blow up my line no more, matter of fact delete it" I say walking into the school.

I can't believe this hoe.

I can't believe this hoe

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Kinnidy💕 POV

"Heyy girl" Bayliegh says running up to me. "Girl why is your energy always on 10." I say laughing. "Because your girl finally found a man that treats me like a Queen" she say following behind me.

"Aww bookie I'm so happy for you. You deserve it." I say smiling back at her. " you have any good news" she say still following me.

"Nope just my dad called my brother saying he wanted to see me" I say stoping at my locker and looking at her. "So are you going to see him." She say opening her locker.

"Hell nah. That nigga made his choice when he left us" I say opening mines. "I see where you are coming from. He did make his choice" she says getting her stuff.

"Yep. But aye imma go ahead and head to class don't wanna be late" I say hugging her. "Alright ma I'll talk to you later" she says hugging me back.

I walk into class and find a seat all the way in the back. I go and sit and put my AirPods in and let Gonna Love Me by Teyonna Taylor play through my ears.

Zuri☺️ POV

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Zuri☺️ POV

I walked into class and saw the girl again. I walked over to the empty seat beside her. "Wassup lil ma" I say sitting beside her. "Girl anit nothin about me little" she says looking at me.

And she was right. Nothing about her was little and I liked that. Plus she was sweet and innocent. "Shii ight ma. My name Zuri it's nice to meet you." I say holding my hand out.

"My name is Kinnidy but all my friends call me kin kin" she says shaking my hand. "Ok than what can I call you" I say still looking at her. "Kin kin" she says smiling.

Her smile was so pretty her teeth were pearly white. She had four dimples that make her skin even more lovely.

"Bet but question" I say say grabbing my phone. "Wassup" she say scrolling through her phone. "Can I get your number" I say handing her my phone. "Yea sure" she responds putting in her number.

For the rest of our homeroom we talk about everything. She was so down to earth and kind. It made me fall in love even more.


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