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Magdalena got off the chair and I can see her walking away to the Ravenclaw table. I look at Luna and I feel there's a common understanding. We both understand but I want her to protect Magdalena. I feel like crying I can't protect her .I want to scream. This hat is dumb. It's wrong, Magdalena I can't be separated for me. She's my sister, and I need to protect her. I want to scream,( Эта тупая шляпа полна дерьма)(This dumb hat it's full of shit) but I know it's right she's clever and kind like luna.I feel like I should've told her that she always had me and I don't care about what house she's in but I didn't think of that because I thought she was for sure going to be in Slytherin .once the fest started I walked over to the Ravenclaw table and saw Luna with her bright white hair and my heart melted she's so beautiful and kind .Magdalena Maggie looked like she was going to have a panic attack when Luna saw her she came and calmed down and that was when I was falling in love even more with Luna I saw Maggie look at Luna's glasses Maggie saw that she had the same ones and I finished walking towards them.Maggie ran and gave me the biggest hug I had ever had. I missed her so much and it was only 10 minutes .Maggie saw how I looked at Luna and gave the most approving smirk and I love it

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