What was it again?

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Hey guys I saw that a lot of you guys have been reading my book and thanks for waiting😎
A new character comes in his name is JUSTIN he is like a brother to me so yea lets get started. Oh btw I forgot the 4 girls witches can't use the power on the selfs or each other but Miya she can heal Brittany,stormy,rosie. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Later that day they all met up after school.
Hey guys ok I have been thing we should go out to eat somewhere fancy since there's like 2 or 3 more weeks left of school so let's make the best of it and then we can have a sleepover so I'll meet you guys all at 7:00pm at the golden chopstick buffet yea?! Brittany said.
Rosie: wow u didn't even let us talk wow. Stormy: yea lady what's wrong are u hyper or something. Miya: it looks like it. All:YEA.
Later that day Brittany called a friend.
?????: yea?!
Britt: oh I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the golden chopstick buffet with us?
?????: who is us
Britt: well me Rosie Miya and stormy but hide in the back table ok
???: ok!? Bye
Britt: bye.
Now I just have to get ready for tonight. At the place.
All: hi. Stormy: table for 4 please. Waiter: ok this way please. Britt: YASSS we ganna eat some food. Miya: yay a table! Britt: ok I see him. Rosie: see who. Oh my cousin ( Britt waves at a stranger) what up bro ok ok I'll leave you alone ok anyways. Rosie: ok u better not tell anyone I like someone😬☺️. Britt,Miya,stormy: ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh. Britt:who is thiS "boy" you speak of. Rosie: no telling ok !?? Or I will never ever ever talk to you again. All: ok. Rosie: I like Justin I have had a crush on him for a while. Justin heard Rosie. Britt: ok wow that was weird.
( they all went home)
Wow what a long day and kinda weird Britt said.
Ding dong 📢
Britt opens door
No back off I I can hurt you remember cause I'm not in a cage! Brittany Brittany cal, down I won't hurt you I wanna be friends I don't wanna be mean anymore please make me nice please Brittany I beg you. Weeeeeeellllll I can help you and you could use a really good makeover so yea ill do that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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