Behind the Mask

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My eyes flickered open, so I can adjust to the bright light of the guest bedroom I'm in. I didn't know what happened to me other than I just feel tired and like I truck ran over me. I groggily wake up and get out of bed. 

What I remember was being so livid that Charlie and Kirby kissed. I know I didn't dream that. That actually happened. I never felt more heartbroken and betrayed in my life before. I wanted to hate Kirby and Charlie and wanted nothing to do with them, but I couldn't because of the history we had together. I felt a lot of emotions and had a lot of thoughts around in my mind that I didn't know what to think or feel.

Maybe I should let Charlie and Kirby explain themselves. Not sure if I should give either of them a second chance, but I still do love Charlie. He has a soft spot in my heart. Kirby and I have been best friends since elementary school so we go way back along with Jill, too, of course. I couldn't just cut them out of my life so easily.

It was different with Jill and Trevor because he cheated on her with some random girl at school. Charlie and Kirby was my friends, so that's a lot worse. 

I just didn't know what to do at this moment other than to go back downstairs and face everyone again. Even though I didn't want to, but I should. I walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs. But it's like I immediately feel that something was...wrong. And so way off.

It was too quiet like eerily quiet. In horror movies, there would be a long pause just for a perfect jump scare opportunity. And I'm waiting for when my own jump scare would happen because of how it seemed like it's setting up to be that way.

Before I went to go down the stairs, I heard someone familiar calling my name.

"Ava?" I looked at the person to see it was my cousin, Sidney. I had no idea she was here.

"Sidney?" I was surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"The killer is here, Ava," Sidney told me, shocking me even more.

"What?" I asked with horror, my eyes widening in fear. 

"He killed Robbie and I don't know where the others are. I'm looking for Jill. She was just hiding in Kirby's room under the bed not that long ago, but she's not there anymore. Just stay with me okay? I don't want to lose you too." Sidney replied.

"Okay." I nodded. Now, I'm very worried for my sister, wondering where she could be.

"What happened with you?" She asked as we went downstairs.

I was following Sidney from behind and I just noticed that she was holding a knife. It was a good idea for protection. I just wish I have a weapon of some sort because that'd be really helpful.

"I don't really know..." I muttered. "I just...passed out."

"Are you feeling okay?" Sidney asked with concern.

I shrugged. "Kind of."

I gasped loudly when I saw the front door open and there was a bloody Robbie lying there...dead. He looked like he's been stabbed to death. I couldn't believe the killer got to him too. I found myself that I couldn't walk anymore.

"Ava." Sidney's voice snapped me back to reality. She looked at me with sympathy and encouraged me to keep going, so I continued to follow her.

Sidney opened the door that led to the basement, but stopped herself before walking down. I didn't know who else can be down there.

"Kirby?" Sidney called for her.

We waited to hear for any response, but then suddenly, Sidney got into a headlock by Charlie and his other arm was wrapped her throat with the knife aiming at her.

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