Part fourteen

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At home reading by the fire with a blanket over my arms relaxing on my couch interested by the story. That relates to my life makes it enjoyable for my mind to get sucked into it instantly.

Heard the doorbell put the bookmark inside the book set it aside got up answered the door it was Angie. "Mom, what are you doing here?" "Can I talk to you?" "Come in." Let her walk inside close the door. "So what brings you to my home?"

She turns to me slowly fiddling with her hands slightly. "I wanna know how you came back to life." "Centuries back the day you left England shortly after you aboard your ship you put something in my hand the necklace." "I remember we used to be so close when you were so young full of light."

"I know I changed after you're mom taught me witchcraft it got to my head and my love for you turned into an obsession deep down I always knew just never admitted it because I didn't believe it."

"Yeah, I had a feeling something was off about you after you started learning magic at least the dark kind like I did before we switched lives and was obsessed with having you as mine alone."

"Just like I was with Barnabas since I was deeply in love with him and wanted him to admit the same feelings for me in his own way like I did for him." Tilt my head agreeing with her.

"I guess we both learned something about showing our feelings to the ones we're deeply attached with in our own ways and it's not always romance." She notices my necklace shocked. "You still wear that?"

Look down at my shirt fiddling with the necklace in my hand. "I never took it off not even once this what helps me feel close to you and it's what saved my life and brought me back." It glows a little.

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