Request 2 (MentalKai)

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Hey again! I'm back with another request, this time from @MentalKai ! They requested Blossomfall, Leopardstar and Blackstar!

First, there's Blossomfall! Are there any cats whose prefix is 'Blossom'? Idk, so... *grabs random cat*

Longtail: wut-

Me: Hehe *stuffs into a flower costume*

Longtail: where did you put me-

Me: Hehehehehehe *drops off cliff* There we are! Blossomfall!

Longtail: AAAAAHHHHHH *reaches bottom but is cushioned by the thick costume* I DIDN'T DIE!

Me: :( Next, there's Leopardstar! Heh. *grabs Snowfur*

Snowfur: what?

Me: Your fur is perfect for painting so... *draws tons of polka-dots on her* 

Snowfur: I look ridiculous-

Me: Ah well. *paints a star on Snowfur* You're Leopardstar now :)

Finally, there's Blackstar! Hehe... *grabs Blackstar*

Blackstar: *eyeing me suspiciously* Why am I here?

Me: So that you can live up to your name. *dunks him into a bucket of black ink*

Blackstar: *spitting paint out* I ACCIDENTALY BREATHED IT IN- *dies*

Me: You're supposed to come back to life- Ah well.

Hope you enjoyed this, and feel free to request!

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