Chapter 1

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"Leah. Your sisters need you." That phrase was Cynthia's favorite.

"I know that Cynthia, and I will promise to visit when I can." Lie.

"You can't just run away from your problems here Leah! It's been almost four years since you've been home."

"I know and I saw you all three months ago! You guys are fine."

"Getting us to fly in when you feel like it isn't enough anymore. You keep moving farther and farther away. Now you're in New York, but tomorrow it might be Timbuktu! You are not the only one who lost them Leah. We need you to come home. We need you here Leah."

"Why can't you guys just keep visiting New York every once in a while! Ellie loves it here! You are 28 years old Cynthia. A grown woman why do you still need me! Your married for Christ sake! Ellie could come to New York for the summer. "

"I am trying to raise her Leah! We can't just fly out whenever! And I refuse to fly my 10 year old sister half way across to the country!" I scoffed. She's trying to raise her. Just because our parents died Cynthia just ordained herself our mother. I sighed.

"I am fine in New York. I am finally okay, I'm happy Cynthia. I have a job I can't just leave." I actually had a job. I'm one of the 10th grade English teachers for one of Brooklyn's largest public schools. But I wasn't exactly happy, but what Cynthia doesn't know won't kill her.

"If you're happy then come home. Be happy here, with your family. Gran and gramps miss you... We just want you home..." I was silent. The last thing I wanted to do was go back to Louisiana. I left with the intent of never going back.

"Gramp's condition isn't getting better Leah. We need you now more than ever." Shit that was serious. I would hate myself if I missed his last days too.

"I'll think about it Cynthia."

"You'll think about it! Really Leah! I just told you your grandfather was dying and you'll only think."

"Cynth, I have to go." I could never talk to her for more than 10 minutes. Her voice makes me nauseous.

"We are not finished Leah, and please do something with you hair Leah! Don't come back home with your hair all the way down to butt! Do you hear me Leah!"

"I um think we are breaking up Cynthia."

"Don't you dare Leah! Lea-" Gosh, Cynthia really knew how to ruin somebody's day.  Give Ellie a kiss for me. I texted Cynthia two hours later around Ellie's bedtime.


"Hello, sorry guys can you excuse me" I usually never get calls on Wednesday night. Unless it's just Cynthia trying to ruin my day.

"Ted I got her on the phone! Hey sweet pea, I hope I didn't interrupt anything." My grandmother's voice filled my ear. She called less and less, once I started not returning her calls.  

"Um no gran you're fine. How are you? Hows gramps?"

"The ole lug just misses you. He wants you home more than any of us... Goodness it's so good to hear your voice Leah. Cynthia told me about ya'lls phone call." Gran said in her mhm-I-know-you're-avoiding-home voice. God leave it Cynthia to make something out of nothing.

"Oh yeah?" I got comfortable in the hallway knowing that this wasn't gonna be a short conversation. My grandfather was dying. His cancer was back, and he doesn't just miss me. He wants to say goodbye to me.

"So do you really think you might come back. I know it would be your first time back since your parents." Her voice trailed.

"Yes, I know. I'm thinking about it... But it would only be for a few months. Just until, gramps health gets better." Even though his health probably isn't gonna get better.

"But I would have to get a job, and sell my apartment here. And you know how much I love my apartment gran!" Lie. I hated my apartment. Telling my family I loved it was for them not me. I try to be considerate.

"Yes dear, I know how much you love that tiny apartment. But you wouldn't have to worry about anything Leah. You could come, and I'm sure you could stay in your old room at your parents house. Cynthia made a nice guest room out of your old room, she has it decorated real nice.And I'm sure Mike wouldn't mind, and you could help with Ellie. I know how much she misses you... And then you could come over to my house in the afternoon... And help me with your grandfather. He misses you too. And God knows how much I miss you. I pray about you every Sunday at church. Speaking of church, a few weeks ago Gabriel asked about yo—"

"Okay Gran. If  I come. I would have to stay with you and gramps not Cynthia. I would also have to find a job."

"Oh I have just the job! Don't worry hun.  I'm so excited you're coming home! Ted! Leah is coming home!  Ellie can come over, on the weekends. It will be a blast, I promise. I can't wait to tell everyone that my granddaughter is coming home!"

"Wait gran please don't go telling the whole town. I don't plan on staying home forever. Maybe just for the summer. Then I could go back to teaching in New York once the school year starts back up. Its just temporary, gran."

"Okay Leah. Well then I will see you in a few weeks. I know you have a bunch to do, but you're good at relocating."

"Alrighty. Well bye then gran kiss gramps for me."

"Sure thing. I love you Leah."

"I love you gran."

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