(OLD VERSION) BFDI AS 2 - Pull Like There's A Tomorrow

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On the second floor of the hotel, Earth To Bossy Bot were sitting around on a purple carpet, the atmosphere feeling awkward with everyone feeling a bit on edge after the catastrophe in the last challenge. They were all also forced to sleep in the empty room overnight, since their rooms were scheduled to be picked the next day by Two, which didn't exactly help the mood. That doesn't even count the fact that they barely got any sleep. You couldn't hear everyone complaining, but you could feel how tense the situation was just by walking into the room.

Taco tutted, before turning to Spongy. He seemed a little out of it, but he was awake.

Taco: Okay, I admit, me throwing Spongy overboard was a little unorthodox, and if I don't want a huge target on my back...
Taco lip-smacked.
I have to make things right. I should know that better than anyone. Just gotta think, what would Barf Bag do...hm...or I guess Book, too...

Taco breathed in.

"Hey...Spongy...uh, sorry for...killing you. It was for our team's sake, you'll understand...right?"

Spongy looked down at Taco and blinked a couple of times, before opening his mouth to respond. Before he could do so though, Firey spoke up.

"UGHHHH! We've had to SLEEP together and spend like...1..2..3...A LONG TIME in the same room with NO SUNLIGHT!" Firey yelled, before glaring over at Golf Ball, who just looked back up at Firey with a tired, pathetic glare. "Y'know GB, this is all YOUR FAULT!"

"Wah?! How is this MY fault?! Do tell, Fireball! " She snapped back, in a loopier voice than her normal angry one.

"Agh...I don't know?! You just...you ruined the mood of the team with all your little criticisms," Firey said, saying the last couple of words in a more mocking tone.

"Hey, hey, slow down, no need to play the blame game. Just settle down and wait for Two, guys." Loser calmly instructed, doing a calming down gesture with his arms.

"Oh please, he knows that game all too well!" Golf Ball quipped, which made Firey gasp dramatically. Before Firey could snap back, Two suddenly slammed the door open, which snuffed Firey's rage, and caused a shockwave of sighs from the team.

"Hey guys, your rooms are done! Sorry it took so long...a lot of the rooms in this hotel are already taken by a lot of the hotel workers. Plus, I said your rooms were 'done' for a reason."
Two winked at them, which nobody understood.

"Uh...what do you mean?" Pen asked.

"Oh, right, I decided to add a little flair to your rooms which cater to each of your interests and talents! Pretty neat, ay? And about the workers, they wanted to join Four's squad, but got rejected, so I took 'em in to work for me!" Two announced, which painted smiles across everyone's faces. After hours of boredom and high tension, the good news was warmly welcomed.

"Soo...where are these so-called rooms?" Golf Ball questioned, stepping closer to Two with her curiosity captured. Two gently pushed her back.

"Well, I would tell you, if you, y'know, didn't have a challenge in 10 minutes." Two responded, giving the team a small smirk. They had never seen a team's mood change so quickly. Groans erupted from the team almost immediately, as if on cue. Two laughed it off, before shutting the door.

Golf Ball: It is imperative that I find my room as soon as possible! I already know someone is going to try and tamper with whatever is in there, someone like...F-Firey or Loser! I don't trust either of them and I want them OFF MY TEAM!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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