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At around five o'clock in the morning, Tao Mu, who didn't even sleep much, received a call from his brother Xiao Qi, telling him that Da Hui was already waiting at the door in the seven-seater SUV and that Tao Mu should get up quickly.

"In such a big Beijing city, you won't be able to finish seeing everything if you don't get up early. Even if you get up early, you have to plan for avoiding morning and evening peaks, or else you would spend half the day stuck in traffic jams." As an authentic Beijing native, Wen Bao had a lot of say on this matter: "So, people who make commercial blockbusters in Hollywood like to have street racing scenes but why do we rarely have such scenes in Chinese movies? It's very simple. Unless you can drive at high speed in one second, otherwise you won't be able to race your car at all. It is simply not realistic!"

Tao Mu chuckled lightly. The traffic in the city of Beijing was actually pretty mild now. At most, the 2nd Ring and the 3rd Ring experienced traffic jams. But ten years later, traffic jams could stretch from the 2nd Ring to the 5th Ring, and even into the neighboring province. On the highway during National Day, one could bring a tent and camp out or even have a party!

Du Kang, who would have a lot of achievements in the field of directing in the future, suddenly said: "Hey, you say, a scene like that would be great in a comedy movie. That is, having the male protagonist and villain try to imitate the Hollywood blockbuster street racing chase scenes in the 2nd Ring of Beijing, only to be directly blocked by the thousands of people stuck in traffic. And then a traffic cop rides in on a little electric motorcycle to come over to enforce the law, and they both get arrested and taken to the local police station....."

Tao Mu had on a weird expression. He remembered the comedy movie that Du Kang won an award for in later years, and it seemed to have such a plot. Unexpectedly, this idea actually existed ten years ago.

Tao Mu thought this while taking a quick shower in the bathroom. In order to save time, he didn't even do any hair styling, just put on a baseball cap and led the three roommates to the door to meet Da Hui. They then went to the hotel to meet uncle Chu and aunt Chu.

When non-natives came to Beijing, there were always so many scenic spots and activities they would want to visit and do. The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square to watch the flag raising, visit Prince Gong's Mansion, eat Peking roast duck.....

Uncle Chu and aunt Chu were no exception. So everyone's first stop was to watch the flag raising.

At 5:30 in the morning, the group of people drove to Tiananmen Square, and already there was a large crowd of people gathered around. The street lights in the square were still on. The boys guarded Chu Sui'an's parents as they squeezed to and fro in the crowd, and finally squeezed to a good spot with a very wide view.

At 5:37, the flag-raising ceremony officially began. Watching the rising five-star red flag and hearing tens of thousands of people singing the national anthem, the solemn atmosphere continued until the end of the ceremony. Father Chu and mother Chu looked up at the national flag flying in the air, satisfied.

Wen Bao smiled and said: "It's okay now. But if uncle and aunt come over on National Day, now that's a magnificent sight. There will be at least 100,000 people watching the flag raising together. There is also a live accompaniment of the military band, which is also spectacular."

Chu Sui'an looked at the soldiers wearing the honor guard uniforms with envy, and said sincerely: "It's so handsome! Wonder when I will be able to wear military uniforms."

Du Kang suddenly laughed: "That's easy. We are students of Beijing Film, and you can just pick up two military dramas if you want to dress in military uniform."

After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now