chapter 1

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Anya felt all pairs of eyes on her as she walked the halls of the prestigious school of Eden College, hearing the semi-loud whispers and thoughts coming through people's minds as she walked towards her locker to gather her books.

'You haven't heard the news? Apparently Forger can read minds! She's a monster!'

'I heard she was used as an experiment!'

'I wonder if she used her power to get into the school?!'

With her books nestled in her arms, she hid her face to avoid contact with her peers and to hide the purple-ness around her eyes. Now, normally the pink haired teenager wouldn't sit back and take the slanderous statements, but after they've all found out, even her teachers who genuinely enjoyed her began to treat her differently.

'I haven't used my powers to get accepted into the school..'

'Am I really a monster..?'

'Experiment 007..'

Her mind began to wonder as the bell sang, signaling the beginning of class. Anya silently walked in and sat down at her seat, next to her best friend, Becky Blackbell.

Sitting with a quiet sigh, she felt Becky place a hand on her shoulder in comfort as she looked towards her best friend for a decade with a small fake smile plastered on her face. She was grateful that her best friend didn't believe in the rumors that started at first, but once she got Anya alone at her house during their sleepover/movie nights, Becky finally found the courage to ask her. Anya broke down her defenses and told her the truth, that she did have an ability to read people's minds, and that she has been doing it for years. Becky decided that it would be best not to bring up the subject of her past as an experiment, which Anya greatly appreciated.

It wasn't like Anya to ever pay attention in class, most of the time when it began, she would immediately fall asleep until someone woke her, which was rarely an easy feat, ask her parents.

Thankfully, today was just an in class movie about space that they needed to take notes on for a test the following day. This was their final day of watching it before the test.

'Do you think it was Desmond who started the rumors about you?'

A note appeared on Anya's side of the table, knowing it was obviously from Becky, she took and unfolded it, reading the message, she slightly turned her head to the back of the class to where Damian, her father's former targets youngest son, sat, mindlessly fiddling with his pen while watching the feature.

She looked away just as he caught her staring at him and grabbed her pencil to reply to the note, 'I don't know if it was Sy-on boy or not.. he doesn't seem to care about the rumors either way..?'

Nodding a moment later, Becky wrote back on the paper with a bit of a worried expression as she did such,

'You can stay at my place if you need to, Anya. My parents and staff don't mind,'

A sad smile returned to her features as she read the note and shook her head slightly, but decided to write a reply anyway. 'Thank you, Becky, truly but it's okay. Don't worry.'

That was their final note as the head teacher, Mr. Henderson, had them stop and focus on the film or they would fail, which wouldn't be elegant at all, of course.

Lunch and the end of the school day came around as the students made their way to the lockers and after school activities, still whispering amongst themselves.

'Why do you think Blackbell continues to be around that creep? Maybe she is into that type of thing?'

Anya put her books back in their spaces and shut the locker, only to turn around and be confronted by some of the people in her class.

"Hey, Forger, why are you still here? They haven't expelled you yet?" A female asked who was about the same height as her as another chimed in, "It's been obvious since day one you don't belong here. Oh wait! Now I know! Have you been using your brainwashing to stay here?!"

The girls laughed, Anya who would normally end this conversation with a right hook to the jaw, for once decided to ignore her instinct and walked away before getting grabbed by one of the girls who then shoved her back into the lockers with a clank.

"Get lost Forger, you're not welcome nor wanted here." The one who slammed her into the lockers started punching her stomach and hair as her friends joined in the fight, pinning her to the lockers.

Anya, with her temper now boiled over, reached up and blocked the fist with her now free hand as she began to return the girl's punches, kicks and slaps full force as she once did Damian years ago. Before long however, Becky and the gate security guard came running to break up the fight, sending them to Henderson's office.

Anya knew this would be it for her time at Eden, no one but Becky was on her side, but sadly, she did not witness what happened since she was waiting for Anya in front of campus but got worried when she didn't show up.

Back in the classroom, the few remaining students heard the loud crash and something getting knocked over, they began to run to see what the commotion was about, it being Anya's fight.

Luckily, Damian and his friends, Emile and Ewen had already got out before the crowd barraged their class door.

"Something has seemed to set her over the edge again, huh boss?" Emile spoke as he stood next to Damian and Ewen, a light tone in his voice.

"I wonder if this is about those rumors going around the school lately? What do you think, boss?"

Damian stayed quiet, observing the fight for a good moment before shrugging his shoulders, he felt himself flinch as the black haired girl went flying into the same garbage can he crashed into on their first day. 'At least it wasn't me who got that damn right hook this time..' he thought as he subconsciously laid a hand on his left jaw.

His thoughts were broken when the security guard and Becky broke up the fight with the help of the other passing teachers. Anya was now a bit more disheveled in appearance but she didn't care, she caught a familiar voice in her mind, 'At least it wasn't me who got that damn right hook this time..' she looked over for a split second to see Damian standing there with his minions, clutching his left jaw. She scoffed quietly before being led away with a bleeding nose and bruising starting to take their final place and shape.

"She looks a bit worse for wear there, doesn't she?" One student who witnessed most of the fight with the others spoke up

"Who cares? Forger deserves it, she will be expelled for sure!" Another chipped up with a laugh

Damian could start to feel a vein popping in annoyance, looking at the two laughing students with a stone glare, "If you two want to join her in getting expelled, I'll help with that." Once those words left his mouth, the two laughing students and anyone else stood dead silent before awkwardly walking away, chatting about something else.

The young teen let his thoughts wander a bit, 'you can't get expelled, shorty. You've done nothing wrong..' with a sigh, he handed his bag to Ewen and went to the head teachers office, being a witness to a great portion of the ordeal.

Ewen and Emile decided to go along as they also were the witnessing party, after placing their baga in their respective lockers, hurrying to catch up to their fuming boss.

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