chapter 2

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Once in Mr. Henderson's office, he just listened to the three ladies' stories of why they got into a fight with Anya. Because, to them and seemingly most of the school, think she is an outsider who used her clear advantage to get into the school. Now, since meeting the Forger family, Henry Henderson has developed a small soft spot for the young pinkette in question, though, he himself does believe the rumors, he knows he and Mr. Evans, who was interviewing her that day, acted on their own accord.

As the three students left to go to their after school activities, Anya got called to enter as Becky held her items from her locker. She held to her stars that settled in her closed palm, ready to hand them over without a fight if necessary. Tossing the bloodied tissue in the garbage, she walked into the office, her heart pounding loudly in her ears.

"Ms. Forger, now it's your turn, tell your side of the story." Henderson leaned over in his chair as his chin rested on his closed palms.

"Well.. after we got finished with our classes, the bell rang as I was going to my locker to put my books in, so I could go and meet Becky at the gate since she wanted to talk about somethings, then, I found myself pinned to the lockers as Simone started punching me. I broke free of Nova's grasp and returned their punches, slaps and kicks." she spoke in between her coughing into her uniform sleeve from being kicked in the ribs, holding the spot to hopefully ease the pain.

Anya shifted nervously in her seat, clutching onto her 4 Stella Stars tightly. Her heart continues to drown out any sound and thought, she looks down at her golden stars, the room completely quiet.

Mr. Henderson let out a long sigh after a couple minutes while in thought, he knew the constant harassment from the other students had gradually started getting more and more heated. He took off his glasses, laying them on a small stack of papers on his desk. It was true, all four females had gotten some degree of assault, he knew by the girls telling their side that they had started the fight with Anya unprovoked.

Anya had finally gotten up the courage to ask the burning question in her mind, "M-Mr. Henderson.. Am I getting expelled..?" She hitched her breath and clung to the stars in hand.

The elderly gentleman stood up from his seat, walking over to his window, looking out at the large courtyard, a quaint smile resting on his wrinkled face. He kept the young teen in suspense long enough, he made his way back towards her and held out his gloved hand.

Anya looked up at her teacher, feeling her heart shattering into pieces as she placed her stars into his hand, thinking she failed as tears began to form in her emerald eyes. Only for shock to take over her saddened features when he placed them back in her hand while helping her to her feet, a gentle smile on his face.

"No, Ms. Forger, you are not getting expelled, however, I will have to give you a Tonitrus Bolt for looks. You can keep your stars. You earned them."

Becky sat outside the office, fidgeting continuously in her chair, she watched Nova, Simone and Jenna walk away, seemingly happy with their stories. Then she heard the sound of heavier footsteps, appearing at the top of the stairs, was Damian, Emile and Ewen.

As the two blondes tried to pull their friend from basically busting into the headmasters office, the trio looked over to Blackbell.

"Have they said anything yet?" Emile asked.

"No, I haven't heard a word from her, the others seemed confident that they got her expelled. They left about twenty-five minutes ago.."

'You can't get expelled, shorty.. you just can't..' Damian soon calmed his thoughts and his heart, mostly from running up the three flights of stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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