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👥: Please welcome our special guest Ms. Hinraza Miende.

Hinraza: Hello, everyone!

👥: You're so pretty and tall.

Hinraza: Not really haha

👥: I noticed from your previous interviews that you do not speak Korean. Thankfully, I am fluent in English.

Hinraza: I'm attempting to learn it, but I don't have much time. I have a tight schedule and can't leave without notifying my manager.

👥: Today's show is titled Answer or Drink it. We will prepare questions for you, and you will be required to answer them. If you do not wish to respond. You are free to drink whatever you want. My first question is are you will to answer to not drink?

Hinraza: I'll do my best to give answers to the questions honestly.

👥: Are you ready?

Hinraza: Yes

👥: The answer or drink it show has begun! Around the issue, people are gathering. Is it true that you and Hyuhin are dating?

Hinraza: My only relationship with Hyuhin is that we are friends.

👥: About the kiss that occurred at the Mama Awards. Is it an accident or not?

Hinraza: It's accident

👥: What's your favorite drink?

Hinraza: Strawberry juice

👥: Regrets in life?

Hinraza: Nothing

👥: Introvert or Extrovert?

Hinraza: Ambivert

👥: First love?

(Hinraza drinked)

.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon