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Footsteps echoed through the staircase of Davenport Industries. Jordyn was two steps behind Douglas, struggling to keep the stack of files safely wedged in her arms while preventing her purse from sliding off her shoulder.

Once outside, Douglas was forced to wait for Jordyn as she had driven them to work today. She shot him a glare for rushing ahead and leaving her to battle with the doors herself. To make amends, he relieved her of the files and watched as she rummaged for her keys. The files were carelessly thrown in the backseat, along with her purse.

They didn't fight for the driver's seat. Jordyn willingly handed her keys over, settling in the passenger seat instead. Her hands were shaking so violently, there was no way she would transport them safely.

The drive was silent. Their breaths the only sound commenting on the traffic.

She didn't check if Douglas locked the car correctly, sprinting inside the hospital lobby before he even came to a full stop. The receptionist's desk was luckily void of people and Jordyn skittered to a halt before the familiar face of the woman.

She smiled upon the girl's arrival and nodded as she was given the name of the patient. In the meantime, Douglas arrived next to her and tapped an impatient rhythm on the desk. Annoying as it was, she couldn't blame him for his uneasiness.

"Room 2.21. He's in no danger. You know where to go?" The woman directed the last part at Jordyn, who nodded in confirmation. Mumbling a quick 'thank you', Jordyn led Douglas to the correct department.

Reaching the correct room, Douglas couldn't control his temper any longer and swung the door open. The man and woman inside were startled awake at the noise. "Douglas," Tasha stated, lips curling in displeasure. Upon the sight of two healthy people inside, a weight fell off their shoulders.

"Sorry, Tash," he mumbled, stepping next to his brother's bed and grinning, "Hey, Donnie. Kids annoyed you that much?"

Donald rolled his eyes. "Ha-ha." He looked past him and frowned at the girl who silently closed the door. "Oh, Jordyn. You're here, too."

"Hey," she greeted, walking over to Tasha, "We were at work together when Tasha called." She pointed between Douglas and herself.

"Oh, and Tasha. Next time you tell me Donnie's in the hospital maybe clarify he's not in a life-threatening situation," Douglas said.

Tasha frowned. "You think I would've been as calm on that call if my husband and your brother was dying?" Douglas pursed his lips, keeping shut. "I thought so," she mused.

"How do you feel?" Jordyn steered the conversation back to the significant topic. "What even happened?"

Donald sighed, "I'm fine but I don't really know what happened. I wanted to test Chase and Sebastian's simulator but something went wrong and now I'm here."

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