Episode 11: Double Trouble Part 2

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Later on Team Wario set up the trap. They place the white emerald underneath a palm tree with a net underneath it covered by the sand

Wario: okay Waluigi when I say now I want-a you pull the rope when they grab the emerald-a. Once that's-a done we'll take-a those emeralds head to the car and make a like a tree and leaf! Hehehehe get it?

Boshi: that pun was awful

Wario: oh shut up!

Waluigi: so now what?

Wario: we hide and wait. Very quietly

Wario and Boshi hide behind some rocks while Waluigi hides in a bush

Meanwhile with Team M&S their exploring the place

Mario: man I can-a see some bits of-a sparkling waters around-a here

Sonic: and some bits of emerald coast. This is weird. Almost like a fever dream

Shadow: hmm...

Knuckles: something wrong Shadow?

Shadow: I have a feeling that something is nearby

Yoshi: *sniff, sniff, sniff* even I can smell it

Tails: *checks his tracker* it's coming from the beach up ahead

Luigi: it might be another Chaos emerald! Man this is almost as-a easy as finding Easter eggs

Mario: Easter was-a last week bro

Luigi: my point still stands

Mario: touché

They head down and find the white chaos emerald underneath a palm tree

Tails: there it is!

Mario: hold on keep a look out guys-a I don't-a want The Koopa Bros surprising us again

Sonic: how about we all go together, take the emerald and then make a break for it

Knuckles: I say we do so. Just to be safe

Tails: okay then

Shadow: (something feels off here)

They head towards the emerald to pick it up and then..

Wario: now!

Team M&S: huh?!

Waluigi pulls the rope and they all get caught in a giant net

Mario: mama mia! What's-a going on here?!

Sonic: yeah what's the big idea?!

Wario: well, well well. Looks like-a we've finally caught the stupid Mario Bros

Waluigi: you mean I caught them!

Wario: I thought of the plan!

Boshi: and I thought I couldn't get enough of a headache from your arguing

Tails: who are they?

Luigi: that's Wario and Waluigi. Their rivals to me and Mario. They-a try to prove their better than us in-a all sorts of-a ways-a

Yoshi: and that guy is my rival Boshi. He thinks he's the coolest and the fastest

Sonic: what?!

Shadow: so like Sonic and Scourge?

Yoshi: sorta. Wait who's Scoruge?

Sonic: it's a long story

Wario: we'll just-a take those emeralds and-a be on our way

They take the emeralds off the heroes and then leave

Waluigi: bye bye losers!

Wario: whahahaahahaha!

They head in their car (Brute from Mario Kart DS) and drive off

Yoshi: now what?

Sonic: we get out of here

Shadow: and how do we do THAT genius?

Sonic then uses a spindash, cutting the net and they all fall

Luigi: ooohhh... my nose...

Shadow: thanks for the heads up Sonic!

Sonic: well excuse me for wanting to get out that. The space was very tight in there!

Knuckles: how about both you shut up and we get after those guys? Huh?

Tails: he's right ya know

Mario: okay Luigi, Yoshi you go with-a me. Sonic you go with the rest-a

Sonic: on it!

Team Sonic then leave one way leaving Mario and Luigi deciding on what to do

Luigi: but only one of us-a can ride on-a Yoshi in order to catch up Wario

Yoshi: he's right Mario. I can't carry you both on my back and keep the speed

Mario: no need to worry Luigi, Yoshi. I see a ? block up ahead-a

Luigi: okie dokie

Luigi and Yoshi then make a run for it. Mario then takes out a cape feather and transforms into Cape Mario

 Mario then takes out a cape feather and transforms into Cape Mario

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Cape Mario: here we go again! *flies away*

He then catches up to Wario's car with Luigi and Yoshi down below chasing after them

Waluigi: imagine the money we could-a make with these gems

Wario: yeah! We're going to be as rich as-a kings!

Boshi: uhh... guys?

Wario: what?

Boshi: look

Wario: *looks in the mirror and sees Team Mario behind them*

Wario: ugh! They don't-a know when to quit uh?! Time-a to do this the hard-a way!

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