A day of dreams

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I wake up to my alarm clock blarring in my face, another night of horrible dreams gone past. It started small, the occasional glimpse of what I would eat here or there, then it got worse. Now it wasnt even diffrent just the same imaging of yellow hallways over and over and over so stupidly repetitive that it might make me insane. I sigh and get up, grabbing my phone and notebook. I stare into my phone scrolling through tiktoks untill it got boring and I got dressed. I went into the kitchen and got somthing to eat. Then I headed outside and to my friend Jacob's house.

Jacob knew about the dreams but just said to ignore them. Of couse he wouldn't know anything about plauging inevitable dreams of damn yellow halls. I sighed and knocked on the door. "Yo Leo wassup dude!" He practically shouted in my face. "Oh you know the annoying fucking dreams you choose to ignore that are taking a toll on my mental health." He rolled his eyes and dragged me indoors. "Oh yeah sure dude " He replied sarcastically, which pissed me the fuck off. I went off into his living room and sat down on his couch taking a monster out of his fridge and sighing before I grabbed the bag I left at his house half the time.

I went through it. Charger, Check, Pencils and Markers, Check, Headphones, Check. Everything was there as normal. "We should do something im bored as a bitch" I called to Jacob. "Dudeeee we should totally go to that new jump park that just opened up" He said very exited for some reason. "Sure" I callec back and grabbed my bag as we left the house. He decided to drive which I didnt mind as I was still tired.

We finally arrived and jumpedfor a bit before we sat out for a break. "Im serious though I dont know when the room will happen or why its so important." I told Jacob "Maybe you really ar going crazy man" I punched his arm and raced him to the top of the jump park where a ledge stood that led to a foam pit a while down. "You jump first" I called to Jacob "Aight pussy" He said before he launched himself off the ledge. I watched him plummet before landing and climbing out. "Your turn man!" He called up. I backed up and jumped off but after a few seconds the vison hit me again and them I fell through the foam pit and into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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