Chapter 2 "Murder Family"

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Y/n Pov: I was getting everything ready for the new rings architectural design to show the other royals, when I suddenly got a call from Stolas.

Stolas: Hello, Y/n how are you doing? Are you busy at the moment?

He asks a little nervously

Y/n: No not really Stolas, just getting my designs for the new rings in order to show you and the others at the meeting later, why?

I said a little confused on why he was worried.

Stolas: I have a slight problem, you see my wife Stella and I are not on the best of terms right now and I was wondering if you could give me some advice on what to do.

I pause for a moment thinking on how I should respond to his request.

Y/n: Uh, Stolas I don't know exactly how I can help. I have never been in a relationship myself, but I guess you could get her a nice gift or something she likes. Then sit and talk with her about what made her mad and tell her you want to make a compromise to remedy what you did wrong. Again I am not one hundred percent sure this will work but just try.

I say as I give him an idea of what he can do that might help remedy his current problem.

Stolas: That.....Sounds good, I never really thought of it before but it could work, thanks Y/n I will see you later at the meeting.

He says as he hangs up.

Y/n: Ok, now back to the designing.

I say as I get back to doing my work.

Currently at the I.M.P office building a woman is talking to Blitzo.

Mrs. Mayberry: *narrating* I was a good person, before it all went down... I was good my entire life.

The scene opens with a shot of a red school house. Birds fly in the background. "Learning is fun" is written on the side of the building. There are trees and a playground. A bell on the roof rings. Mrs. Mayberry opens the classroom curtains, revealing two birds singing on a tree branch. Inside the classroom, Mrs. Mayberry writes "Good morning!" on the blackboard.

Mrs. Mayberry: Good morniiing!

She twirls around and catches her piece of chalk.

Mrs. Mayberry: I hope you all did your homework!

Several smiling students nod in a dance at their desks. A brown-haired boy wearing a dunce cap spins on a stool and faces the wall.

The Teacher's Song begins.

Class: ♫ We love to do our homework, and we love our teacher, too! ♫

Mrs. Mayberry: ♫ Then, when I throw out these fun questions, you should know just what to do! ♫

Class: ♫ Okay! ♫

Mrs. Mayberry: ♫ Two plus six is... ♫

Class: ♫ Eight! ♫

Mrs. Mayberry: ♫ And good behavior's... ♫

Class: ♫ Great! ♫

Mrs. Mayberry: ♫ And now, it's that part of the class when we say the time of day and date! ♫

Blonde boy: ♫ It's nine in the morning... ♫

Girl 1: ♫ On January 8th! ♫

Girl 2: ♫ The sun is out smiling! ♫

Dunce boy: ♫ And it's your husband's birthday! ♫

The class sings "la la la" while Mrs. Mayberry faces the board. She drags her piece of chalk in a line on the board, the piece almost gone. Her face is beaded with sweat and her eye twitches.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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