quality time together :)

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Wilbur was in la for about a week because he had some gigs to do with his band Lovejoy and just band stuff in general so Wilbur decided to hang out with shelby while he was there. He was  doing a gig and had invited Shelby on the guest list, she came along, after the gig however they two of them went out for food

Wilburs pov

" Hey you 2 how came I help you "
" Uh we would like a table for 2 "
"Yeah sure right over there " the waiter says pointer somewhere in the distance

The 2 sit down facing eachother and look at the menu. They get a pizza and some .FRIES. to share between themselfs. The food eventually came, they ate and went to Shelby's place to hang out 

Shelby's pov

So me and Wilbur get to my place we end up just chatting for a bit but then I remembered I had a stream planned
"Hey will I have a stream to do right about now wanna join "
"Sure if you dont mind "
" I don't "

Wilbur went to the bathroom so I started up the stream without him. It was going smoothly untill my door to my room get kicked and it was none the less but Wilbur soot, he comes and say hi to my chat and sits on my bed
"So what do you wanna do "
"This isnt my stream Shelbyy "
"Wanna do a little qna "
"Yeah sure chat comment some questions we'll answer them "

Just some normal questions get asked untill I get a tts ( text to speech " message saying " why don't we talk about how will likes you "
"Yeah will why don't we " Shelby says getting a flustered Wilbur in return
"I would rather not but why don't we talk about you liking me " Wilbur says  
They carry on reading eachother for a bit and then I get a dm from Scott saying " you 2 stop flirting you have a stream to entain "
the 2 of them laugh and blush a bit but  carry on answer questions and end stream abot an hour after that. It was ending night and will's band had booked an Airbnb but it was like 20 minutes from Shelbys place and he was too tired to go.
"Hey can I crash here for the night "
" Yeah sure I will get you some blankets and pillows "
"Thank youuu shub "
" But don't blame me if starlord wakes you up "
"I won't don't worry "
Will gets his well Shelby pillow and blanket and Shelby goes to her bedroom goes on her phone before sleeping. Wilbur walk in Shelby's room politely to ask for American plug converter but turns out she was already asleep he stood there for about 30 seconds  confused of what to do he luckily finds one on her nightstand he picks it up and look back around to admire Shelby for about a minute
"Why is she so adorable " he thought to himself he knew that the 2 were only joking about liking eachother because it was brought up in a MCC once. Will had spend the rest of that night thinking if he liked her Actually or not I mean she does have some great qualitys. Shelby had woken up in the middle of the night and went to go get a snack on the way she saw Wilbur asleep on her couch she just looked at him and smiled she went to get her snack and bring it back to her room so also did steal a few glares at Wilbur she thought the same as he did.

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