Death Vs Puss

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Death's Pov

I entered the star's ring, Since I am a god I felt nothing but a tingle, I saw Puss' eyes widen at the sight of me, I continued to whistle.

"Who's that..?" Pero (Life) asked, Playing dumb.

"He's here for me.." Puss whispered.

Dragging my sickles on the ground, I threw them up from the ground, Red fire circled me and Puss, I was happy that this smug cat would die by my hand.

Once the circle had fully trapped Puss, I pulled down my hood, Smiling a big grin.

"It's been fun Gato, But I think We've reached the end.. You and I." I clanged my sickles, The metal made sparks appear.

He looked back at the map then back at me, I chuckled.

"You're gonna take the Coward's way out?" I asked "Run away to more lives?!"

Clang. My sickles bashed against each other.

"Or are you gonna FIGHT?!" I yelled, throwing his sword to him.

He kept looking at the map, I growled in annoyance.

"Puss!" I heard that other cat call to him, for some reason I felt anger towards the cat.

"Pick it up." I told him.

"CMON! PICK IT UP!" I growled.

He closed his eyes tight, Tears welled in his eyes and fell.

"What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?"

"No. Just one!" He told me, He picked up his sword, A childish grin on his face.
"FEAR ME!.. If you dare!"

"Oh~ This is gonna be fun!" I chuckled, Lunging towards him, He ran towards me.

Our weapons clanged, We ran and attacked each other, I jumped in the air, He attacked me from the air,
I knocked him backwards, he almost fell into my ring of fire.
He quickly got back up and ran towards me.
He tried to attack me, I blocked every attack.
I pushed him down to the ground, he somehow escaped my grasp, Running on my arm, I received a kick to the face, I howled in pain.
I felt blood go down my mouth.
I heard something.. Like my whistle yet much scarier..
Grims Whistle.
*The whistle is from the top*
Puss covered his ears, I do not blame him.
I covered my ears, it had been forever since I had heard the sound of grim.
I heard the growl of another wolf.
"Mi cielo?" I asked, Puss looked terrified.

"Ay Dios mio.. What Is that?!"

My sibling was there, Grim.

The flames began to shrink, My sibling was there, Grim pointed their staff at Puss.

"You dare hurt my brother?!" Grim roared.

Puss drawed his sword.

"I am not afraid of you! Puss in boots knows no fear!"

Grim laughed like a mad man.

"You.. Dare point that tiny.. PUNY sword at me.. And wish to survive..?!" Grim chuckled.

"I will forever keep fighting for my lifes!" Puss announced.

"I'm not going to fight you, Puss in boots." Grim hummed.


"I do not wish to fight."

Grim summoned puss' sword.

"Fight my brother, Survive and you will live." Grim said, throwing the sword back to him. "Fail... And I will send you to the deepest, most evil places, in the after life."

Puss nodded.

"FEAR ME! IF YOU DARE!" Puss roared. I chuckled, gather my sickles and attacked.

I turned my sickles into one. Spun them around, I saw the fear in puss' eyes.

I attacked, It ended up that puss was far away.

Grim sat outside of the fire wall, Talking with.. Was that pero?

Puss' sword was stuck on the ice.

"You really gotta stop losing that Gato~"

I swung my sickle towards him, about to decapitate him, when.. He blocked it with a blade.

"What?!" I whispered to myself.

"Say hello to my Gatito blade!" He grinned his stupid smug grin.

He attacked, I blocked, he cut my Sickles back into two after awhile.

He attacked again, I threw him up with my sickles.

He flew in the air, turning and twisting as he fell back down.

He kicked me in the face, I felt pain.
I fell down to the ground, one sickle near me.
The other..
Under that stupid cats foot.
He kicked my sickle towards me.
"Pick it up!" He commanded.
I growled, I felt embarrassed.
"Beat by a Gato?!" I thought.
"I know I can never defeat you, Lobo.. But I will never stop fighting for this life!" He told me.
I stood up, The sickles both in my hand.
I walked closer to him, I growled when I met his face.
His eyes pierced into my own, He faced me, Straight up death.. Just to save his own life..
"Grrr... Agh!" I growled in annoyance.
I stood up, Turned around and hit the air in annoyance.
"¿Por qué diablos fui a jugar con mi comida?! You're ruining this for me!" I growled, He looked very confused.. Quite cute really.
"I came here, For an irrigate little legend who thought he was immortal!" He looked shocked, we were inches away.
I sighed, turned away slightly and looked towards Grim.
"But I don't see him anymore.."
He sighed in relief.

I put my sickles away.
"Live your life, Gatito. Live it well."
He nodded, I turned around.
"You know we will meet again.. Right?"

"Si." I heard from Puss.

I chuckled, whistled and left through the fire.

The flames evaporated.

"Well done.. Puss in boots."

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