Normal day

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Lo'ak groaned walking into the locker room with Neteyam following, "Man why we got PE for 1st period why couldnt it be like..Later?" Lo'ak whined, Neteyam rolled his eyes "We used to jump buildings this early you will be fine for a class you dork" Neteyam laughed "Jump buildings?" They heard behind them The two turned to look seeing a tall guy standing behind them Lo'ak was the first to talk "Yeah, parkour" he said with a grin "Its awesome!" The guy looked him and Neteyam up and down "Yeah..ok dude" he laughed and turned away from them, Lo'ak tilted his head in confusion and looked at Neteyam who was glaring at the kid "It doesn't matter come on we have to change" He said pulling Lo'ak to the lockers they were assigned yesterday.

Ao'nung leaned over looking at Kiris paper she eyed him and covered her paper "dude..are you that dumb you have to copy off the paper of a girl who just transferred" she said in a whisper he just groaned and layed on his table Kiri just rolled her eyes calling him annoying before getting up to turn in her assignment.

A while later the bell rang and they all left class going to their second class while Neteyam, Kiri and Lo'ak were still finding their way around, Lo'ak got lost again, Neteyam and Kiri found their classes better this time. Neteyam made a mental note to try to find a quicker way to classes in his free time so he wont be late.

Kiri made her way into her Art class to see Rotxo sitting in the teachers chair rolling around the room, She walked in the room and sat down, Rotxo rolled up in front of her table "Hey new girl" he grinned and she rolled her eyes "Really? New girl? pretty original" she laughed, He smiled "Yeah but you are the new girl" he said leaning back a little bit as an older woman walked in the room as everyone was finding their seats "Rotxo..Put my chair back" she sighed as she put a hand on her hip "Aww fineee" he rolled backwards and got off the chair sliding it back behind her desk and sat in the chair next to Kiri
The teacher just shook her head as she started her lesson.

After 2 more classes the group met up in a hall near the cafeteria. "Hi guys! How was your second day?? Any better then your first?" Tsireya asked as she hooked a arm around Ao'nungs, who tried to shake her off but failed, "It was alright i hate PE for 1st period, i did get lost again trying to get to second though" Lo'ak groaned, Neteyam and Kiri laughed "oh well you'll figure it out with time" Tsireya said with a smile, "So? Anyone wanna eat here, or sit in the car and eat, or go out to eat?" Rotxo asked with a grin Ao'nung just shrugged saying whatever, Neteyam said he would go with what everyone else wanted, Kiri just said she would sit in a car alone. Tsireya was the deciding party she said she would pay for Lo'aks as long as Ao'nung or Rotxo would pay for Neteyam and Kiri, Neteyam rejected that and she he could pay for Kiri and himself if they did go out.

They were sitting at a large booth in a restaurant, "what are you guys going to get?" Tsireya asked stirring her lemonade "I think im going to get a Chicken salad" she said, Ao'nung rolled his eyes "Save that for the waiter" he said as Tsireya rolled her eyes "Uh i guess ill get a cheese burger?" Lo'ak said not completely sure what he wanted, "I want chicken strips!" Rotxo shouted causing some people to look while Ao'nung put a hand on his head obviously annoyed by the yelling boy.

Halfway through the meal and Rotxo says "Maybe I should have gotten a chicken sandwich" everyone groaned hearing that since he decided he didnt want chicken strips anymore when the waiter got there then took a while to decide what he did want. "Are you a child?" Ao'nung asked with obvious irritation in his voice "Yes" Rotxo said with a big grin.

Back in the car Rotxo was sitting next to Kiri Tsireya and Lo'ak in the back of Ao'nungs truck while Neteyam sat in the passenger seat next to Ao'nung, "...How was your food?" Ao'nung asked Neteyam, Ao'nung ended up paying for Neteyams food because Lo'ak decided to get more food and he didnt have enough money for his own meal so Ao'nung paid for him, "It was fine..Thank you again really..Im sorry" Neteyam said feeling embarrassed about it, Ao'nung shook his head "Dont worry about it, it wasnt to much plus Its your brothers fault for eating like a pig" He said with a grin watching the road "Well..Still thank you" he said with a smile Ao'nung looked at him for a second before he went back to keeping his eyes on the road, they were quiet the rest of the way.

When they got back to the school they all walked in still having about 2 minutes until the bell rang
Neteyam locked eyes with Ao'nung for a second before leaving to go to his class a bit early, Lo'ak and Rotxo decided to walk Kiri and Tsireya to their class first before going to their own class, Ao'nung walked to class alone.

As the bell rang for the next class Neteyam walked to the library and waited for Ao'nung to walk with him to class again he waited as he watched Ao'nung walk out of the classroom ignoring the people behind him as he had a annoyed look on his face that changed when he saw Neteyam and he quickly walked over and hugged him tightly, Neteyam froze in confusion "Just go with it for a second please" he heard Ao'nung whisper in his ear, he gently hugged back "whats going on?" He whispered back, Ao'nung pulled him closer and Neteyam could feel his face heating up "Joys of being so handsome" he joked then leaned his head over Neteyams shoulder, he just patted his head in a comforting way. "They were just annoying me do you mind if we uh hold hands or something maybe they would leave me alone if they thought i was in a relationship.. Oh you can say no if your not comfortable doing that ok" Neteyam thought for a second then nodded "Ok ill do it..since you bought my lunch" he smiled backing up "Thank you" He said as he offered his hands and Neteyam grabbed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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