Leaving Hawkins

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I pull into the parking lot, swiftly. Robin hums in satisfaction.

"You've gotten so much better at driving." She mumbles. I roll my eyes, surprised Steve even let me drive his car.

"You put your mom down as a reference?" Robin speaks to Steve as I open the front door to the store.

"Yeah, she's like super well respected." Steve shrugs as they walk into the store and I walk in after.

Keith reads over the resumes, and Robin starts rambling.

"Just to be clear, we weren't fired, y'know. The mall burned down and killed a bunch of people." I sigh, trying not to tell her to shut up.

"Thanks for sharing, didn't know." Keith nods. He hands me back my resume and points at me.

"Can you start on Monday? Take a full shift, 11 to 8." He raises a brow my direction. I nod and smile at him.

"Thanks, Keith." I dap him up. We weren't friends when I was a freshman and he was a senior, but Jason whatever-the-fuck-his-last-name-was was being a douche to him once so I got him to quit it.

"Three favorite movies, go." Keith snapped and pointed at Robin. She only thought for a second.

"Uhm.. The Apartment, Hidden Fortress, Children of Paradise." Robin grins, and then Keith turns to Steve, who I swear was staring at a bell for the past 4 minutes.

"You. Go." He points at Steve, and Steve finally comes back into the real world.

"Favorite movies?" Steve looks confused, to which Keith replies, "Did I stutter?"

"Uhhh.. Animal house, for sure," Steve mumbles, looking around. Robin scoffs and Keith snaps at Steve.

"Eyes on me Harrington."

"Uh.. Star Wars." Steve mumbles and nods. I hold my face in my hands.

"A new hope?"

"A new-what now?" Steve tries again. I groan and Robing throws her head down and looks at her shoes.

"Which StarWars?"

"The one with the Teddy Bears duh. Oh, uh- the new movie the one that just came out- the one with the DeLorean and Alex P. Keating trying to bang his mom. The time- yeah those are my top three. Classics." Steve nods and Keith glares over at me and Robin.

"You start Monday." He points at Robin.

"You start never." He points at Steve.

"Will you just uhm.. Will you give us a minute?" Robin sighs, and Steve groans and then silently walks away. I walk away with him and watch as he picks up almost every movie just to read the title.

"Okay. But why would I hire him, after hiring Y/N. He won't get my 'assistance' he'll get Y/N's." I hear Keith talking.

"I.. uh- I don't think you'll have to worry about that. He's uhm.. seeing someone." She nods in my direction and I almost laugh out loud.

"What's in it for you? You got a thing for him, or something?" Keith raises a brow.

"We're just uhm.." Robin sighs, "We're just friends."

Steve runs into a cardboard cut out of Phoebe Cates in a bikini. He has to turn it around and put the cardboard piece on the back on it again.

"Oh! Fast times. Fast times! Top three for me Keith." Steve grins and puts the cut out back up. Robin giggles.


I walk into the almost empty house to hear Lucas and Max singing. I try not to think about it while I look for Will.

I only got a month of going to the same High School as Will. We got all of September and a week of August, now he's already moving away.

I finally find him, he's just standing in his empty room. No bed, none of his drawings, none of his books, or his photos. It's all gone. I knock on the door frame. He jumps a bit when he turns around.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I smile as I walk into the room. Will sighs and immediately wraps both of his arms around me. I hug him back.

"I was scared you weren't gonna get here before we left." He whispers to me and I pull away noticing tears in the corners of his eyes. He looks me in the eyes, calm and silent.

"I can come and visit.. like every now and then. Right?" He tries sounding like he isn't kind of freaking out. I nod and smile softly.

"Or I can come visit you. This is supposed to be hard for people, but we'll make it work." He nods and smiles back at me. After a second I start to remember everything. Everything I try not to.

"Do you remember when we first met? The same exact night, when the demogorgon found us? You tripped." I mumble looking around the empty room. It had a weird feeling.

"Yeah, and you saved me. Even though you didn't know who I was." He speaks softly, "I bet you didn't have a clue in the world of how we were gonna end up."

"Mhm.. and I never left you alone since. I'm glad I was in there when you were though. Glad you weren't alone." Will hugs me from behind.

"I never minded you not leaving me alone. So you better call me, or write me, or really any way of knowing you still care about me." He whispers and I turn around and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss, even though we both feel like crying.

"Will?! Come on!" I hear Mike from the hall. "We should go." I let go of Will and take the last box from the room. Filled with all of Will's more important things, according to the words written on the box in permanent marker.

There's the drawings, and the photos, paint, a bracelet El made him, more art, and the thing on the very top was a book, more specifically the book he kept talking about wanting to read back when I was starting 9th grade and he was starting 8th. I bought him and gave it to him for Christmas the same year, almost a 10 days after The Snow Ball.

I don't say anything about it. As soon as we get outside Will hugs everyone while I put the last box into the truck. As Joyce is about to close the door, I watch Will run back over to her and go back into the house to grab something. He comes back out and rushes over to me.

"I almost forgot- here." He grins and hands me my grey jacket. The one I let him wear to the movies, and again July 4th. I must've forgotten to get it back.

"Keep it," I can't take it. "Y'know, so you don't go forgetting me or anything." I laugh. He stares at me for a second.

"Are you sure? I mean it's pretty warm most of the time in California- besides I won't need anything to remember you by anyways." He mumbles, trying to make sure I'm 100% serious before taking it.

"Yes, I'm sure. It looks better on you anyways, to be honest." I nod and he hugs me once more.

"Jesus Christ, I'm gonna miss you so much." I whisper and he kisses me one last time, before grabbing my hand and leading me over to the rest of the group. I immediately go straight to El and she already has her arms open wide, ready to hug me goodbye.

"You remember what I told you, right?" I whisper into her ear and she nods. As she walks away from everyone I hear her mumble something to herself which sounds a lot like:

"Don't forget where you came from." Another thing I told her back when we were 12, and 13.

Joyce, El, and Jonathon were already in the car or truck.

"Bye.." Will mumbles to everyone as he walks slowly to the passenger seat of the truck. I notice Mike crying, as well as Lucas and Dustin. Max seems fine for the most part but I noticed earlier she gave El her green scrunchy. We all watch as the truck and car both drive away. We don't say anything to eachother.

It was silent while everyone rode their bikes away, or while Max kicked off on her skateboard. Mike was the last one to leave.

Lucas's Older Brother - Will Byers X Y/N Sinclair (Male Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now