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"Ran, where is my tie?", asked Yibo calling for his wife, Liw Ran, she when heard this uttered from the kitchen saying, "Wait for a minute, I'm coming"

Yibo went towards his 3 year old son, he bend down and kissed the boy's cheek, which was like a ball, full of food inside, he giggled and said, "Eat slow Yuan, you'll choke on the food"

"Here", Ran said coming towards him with his tie in her hand, "Let me put it", she continued putting the tie in his shirt collar, Yibo smiled and pecked on his wife's lips, she chuckled and left his tie after finishing wearing it to him

"I'm leaving now, Yuan take care", Yibo spoke patting his son's head, who looked up at him and smiled cutely, "Alright, have a great day", Ran said handing him his office bag, who nodded in response taking it

"Oh yah, like I said yesterday, today I'll be late for home because of my friends party at the club", Yibo uttered, "How much late?", asked Ran leaning on the door, "Maybe at 9, don't worry you can eat early, I'll be already full from the club, so", Yibo quickly said

"Just don't drink too much and try to come home early, you know right how Yuan behaves when he doesn't finds you after his afternoon nap", she explains, which Yibo immediately nods his head in understanding

"Yah I know, I'll try to. Take care", he said and kissed her Forehead, which she respond him with hugging his waist, "I'll be late, so gotta go, bye sweetheart", he uttered and kissed her cheeks, which she giggles


"Yibo just have a little drink, nothing will happen with that", Haikuan one of their office worker and a good friend of Yibo, spoke showing him the can of beer, which Yibo quickly shook his head as no

"No Gege, I don't drink", Yibo rejected, "Aish you fun spoiler", Ji li uttered teasing the latter, who smiled and got off from the couch, "I need to go washroom, excuse me for a while", he said and walked towards the club washroom

Yibo went inside the washroom, there was every kind of guys and girls kissing each other hungrily, Yibo finds this all disgusting doing in public, that's why he never liked to come in clubs, he ignoring everything went inside one of the empty washroom amd did his job

When Yibo walked out he again met with the crowd which was dancing like nothing, "excuse me, excuse me", he uttered walking past everyone, but suddenly someone grabbed him from behind and pulled him on the dancing floor?

Yibo gasped in sudden action and quickly turned to face who is it to play and touch him like this? He saw a very handsome face staring right at him still holding his waist, which was looking so tiny in his big hands

"What the hell are you doing?", Yibo gasped and jerked himself off from that creepy boy, who eventually looked confused by the older male's action, "What? Don't you like me?", the boy asked now gripping on Yibo's wrist, who tried to jerk it too but the boy was too strong for him

"I'm not interested sorry", Yibo said frowning, gaining a smirk from that boy, "Not even on my handsome face?", asked the boy pulling Yibo close who gasped and tried to push the latter away, but he was too stubborn

"I already have a wife and a son, leave me you jerk", Yibo said trying to push the male, who was indeed hearing this not leaving him, "But you caught my eyes and I find you so ethereal looking", He explained stroking Yibo's hair which was coming in his pretty eyes

"Jerk before I do anything bad, leave me!", Yibo uttered angrily glaring at the boy, who chuckled and said, "What? Well, I'm Xiao Zhan and what about you? ", he introduced himself still smirking, "I never asked for your name! And I'm not going to tell my name", Yibo shooted back frowning

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