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"Yibo, can you bring the Chicken nuggets way back home?", Ran spoke wiping off the food from small Yuan's mouth, "Yah sure, anything more you crave for?", He asked slipping his foot inside the shoes, "No that's all...and Yah! Bring Choco chips for A-Yuan", She uttered quickly before her husband can leave home

"Yayy Choco chips!", Yuan spoke happily cheering for himself as he loved it very much, Yibo smiled warmly towards his lovely son and nodded his head, "Alright, I'll be right back", he said turning towards his wife who smiled and nodded her head and uttered, "Come early"

Yibo walked out of the door and closed it, he make his way towards The mall where he was about to meet his geges, it has been 2 weeks now that he has not met with Xiao Zhan from that day, Yibo thinks that maybe Zhan has got a new boy and is forgetting him and it was totally fine with him as he just hated that boy too much

"Hey!", Yibo waved smiling widely running towards his geges who turned around hearing the voice they were waiting to hear, "Bobo!", Ji li shouted happily, he missed the younger this all weeks, Haikuan smiled widely and and waved towards Yibo who stood in front of them panting

Jili hugged him quickly which the other hugged back, "I missed you bobo!", He uttered tightly hugging the latter who chuckled and said, "I missed you too", "Where have you been? Why haven't you coming to Office?", Haikuan asked patting the back of the boy who broke the hug and stayed silent biting his lips

"What happened bobo?", Jili asked with concerning tone, he placed his palm on the other's cheek who looked down feeling nervous, he didn't wanted to tell the fact that why he left the job, but his gege will not let this matter go and make Yibo to spill all the tea by hook or by crook and he knew that

"I'll tell you next time Dage, let's have fun today!", he changed the subject as soon as possible as he didn't wanted to open up now as he was little by little healing with the time and he didn't wanted to get injured again, "If you say so..", Haikuan uttered not satisfied with the fact, but also he didn't asked further as he missed hanging out with his didi

"Let's go to the restaurant first, then we'll do shopping", Jili spoke walking at the front, Yibo glanced towards him and nodded in response, "Yah, I'm super hungry right now", He said glancing towards his Haikuan gege who nodded in response

"Let's go then, so Yibo how is Yuan and Ran?", Haikuan asked turning towards the latter who faced him and answered with, "They are fine, what about you gege?", he asked back smiling softly, "I'm fit and fine as always", the other answered giggling a bit which make them both giggle


Other side, Xiao Zhan and his group was in the club, Zhan was sitting like a king at the middle of his friends, Yubin came towards his ear and spike "Zhan..you see that boy over there?", Xiao Zhan looked at the direction where his friend pointed at

"Mm", he nodded staring at the boy who was dressed in a very hot dress, "He's as sexy as fuck! I saw him glancing towards you many times..maybe he wants to say you something", Yubin whispered smirking, which hearing this Zhan turned towards him keeping a straight face

"If you find him sexy, go ask him for yourself..because as you can see I'm not in a mood to fuck those chicks out there", Zhan uttered and sipped the wine, "Well, these days you're really not in a mood..then why did you came here?", Haoxuan spoke grabbing the drink

"I want to get refreshed here, that's all", Zhan answered placing the drink on the table, "What's going on inside your head?..are you still stuck on that Wang Yibo?", Jiang Cheng asked lighting the Cigarette on his lips, "..That's what I think he's very busy with these days", Yubin uttered when Zhan spoke nothing but just silent

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