The Noxious Averager

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Your POV 

I was asleep 

*in dream world*

"Careful, Conrad beep bop when the Kraang abandoned lab the may have left boobyish trap."Rocksteady said

"that's booby trap." Beep bop said lasers were gonna hit beep bop but rocksteady got in front of him protecting him from the beams then threw his boomerang like weapon and destroyed the laser

"man, we should be running the foot not stuck with Baxter's grocery list." Beep bop said

"it's not grocery list. It's chemicals for snake girl Karai." Rocksteady said he continued reading it "Reagent-x, tens gallons milk, 500 Packets white sugar, maple syrup. This is grocery list your right we're the ones that should be giving orders not take." Rocksteady said a garbage man was doing his job

"it's a dangerous job. That's for sure." The garbage man said the added "I like to keep my city clean." He grab a bag and tried to drag it but fell on his but "beats working in the sewers though. To o many freaky mutants down there." 

"boom! Reagent-X." Beep bop said then said "ooh, snap fugitives son."

"Quite, something in the alley." Rocksteady said he went to go look outside of the window "phew it's only garbage man." Rocksteady said then was kicked in the face by Leo I chuckled at this

"What the what? wait where's your princess. you know the one you four protect?" Beep bop asked

"she's at home resting." Donnie said

"Yeah, she's been through a lot." Raph said he dodged beep bop's lasers 

"Why do you even want to know?" Mikey asked with a glare and used his nunchucks and hit beep bop in the face many times

"how did you find us anyway?" Beep bop asked

"By steaking out shredder's lair for fifteen hours straight without some much as a bathroom break." Donnie said 

"That and you drive a van with beep bop and rocksteady on it." Mikey said 

"Eat mutagen." Beep bop said 

"Not the face." Mikey said

I woke up and I saw a doll house that resembled one of my past lives house looked at the doll with the bandages on his body

*memory from past life*

I was covered in bandages and was pushed on the ground and glared at my mother

"Don't you look at me like that." Mother said I started shoveling "there we go.that's all your good for." She goes inside "your watching that trashy movie again." Mother said to this body's father 

"Yeah, I just can't get enough of it." The body's father said 

"Chases." The body's mother said 

"So how did things go with the brat" the father asked

"They weren't to keen on the whole thing. Once I give an order they have to obey." The body's mother said 

"Even a monster can be useful if it doesn't have a choice." The body's father said I looked up at them through the window 

*end of memory*

"No that's not me." I said 

"Y/n my child are you okay" splinter asked

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