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"Daddy! You'll never believe what happened! I lost a teeth!"

Jace slowly looks up from his phone, watching as Ela runs into the room, jumping up and down. She's holding a small baby tooth in hand, shoving it in her father's face.

"Wow, baby! You're getting so big!" Jace smiles, loving Ela's innocence. He sits up slightly, taking the tooth into his hand. "And, it's a tooth, baby girl."

"A toothhh!" mocks Ela, running around excitedly about the loss of her tooth. "Do you think the tooth fairy will come see me?!"

"Oh, why of course! Make sure to put this under your pillow tonight. I'll call the tooth fairy right now to come get it!" entertains Jace, watching as Ela jumps around squealing. "How much money do you think the tooth fairy will give you?"

"Umm.. I want candy! I want jolly ranchers! Or, or, or, or- or chocolate!" babbles Ela. "Oh! Daddy, can we play Wii games?!"

"Of course baby. Give me a moment though. I have a headache. Give me.. 30 minutes?" pleads Jace, moving the small girl's hair out of her face. "Wake me up then, okay?"

"Okay!" Ela salutes her father before rushing back to her bedroom, going to play with her Barbie's until she felt it was 30 minutes. Jace set himself a timer to wake up in 30, before placing Ela's tooth in a baggie and then laying back on the couch.

"Damn. That party fucked me upppp," Jace rubs his temples, slowly closing his eyes. He realizes now that he needs to chill with the parties.. because not only does he have Ela to take care of.. but his baby mama and him have another baby on the way.

"Daddy! I hear you talking in there! Go to sleeeeppp so I can beat you in Just Dance!"

And with that, Jace closed his eyes and was slumped.

Meanwhile, as Jace was spending time with his daughter, Keandrian was currently at his house, knocked out cold in his bed as if it wasn't already time for him to be up and awake. He'd be up at this hour even during a regular hangover, but this hangover was the worst of all. I mean literally the worst of all.

He had woken up earlier just to go vomit on the toilet, and even that was harder to do. He was sore. So sore that he could barely even walk to the bathroom. He had so much trouble moving, it wasn't even funny. This man for real sat on the bathroom floor and weeped for a minute because of how frustrating it was.

And on top of that, he had a nasty ass headache. He was really beginning to regret drinking that much last night. Hell, he was beginning to regret even going to that party in general.

So now he was just sleeping on his bed, being in too much pain to do anything. There were like five bottles of water sitting on his nightstand along with a bottle of painkillers. He was out of it, that's for sure.

Suddenly, Keandrian was woken up out of his sleep when he heard the sound of his phone ringing. He groaned and turned to his side, not caring to see who it was. All he wanted to do was lay here and sleep, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

Jace woke up after his alarm went off. He stretched his body, making his way to Ela once he silenced the noise. Ela was grinning ear to ear at the sight of her father.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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