Chapter 3

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Sakura walked into her apartment quietly putting her bag down. She walked to the fridge to get a little snack to take back to her room when she heard someone clear their throat. She jumped hitting her head on the top of the inside of the fridge, "FUCK, Bakugo. I swear you're doing this on purpose now" She glared at him, rubbing her head. Katsuki smirked down at her and let out a breathy laugh, "Nah, you just scare easily." Sakura rolled her eyes and reached back into the fridge to grab some strawberries then shut the fridge door. She tried to move past Katsuki, but he kept getting in her way, his arm blocking her path. "Ugh, what is your problem!?" She snapped. "What's my problem, huh? What's your problem?" He asked sarcastically and moved his arm out of the way for her, making room. She scoffed and pushed passed him to get to her room. "Goodnight, dumbass!" He called after her. She flipped him off over her shoulder and slammed her door shut. He let out a small chuckle and went back to his room.

Sakura sat in her bed eating her strawberries, scrolling through her phone. She pulled up Eijiro's contact and typed up a message:

 She pulled up Eijiro's contact and typed up a message:

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She smiled to herself and turned off her phone. She changed into sweats and and a t-shirt and curled up under the sheets, quickly drifting off to sleep.

When she woke up, she groaned and stretched slightly, turning to check the time. 9:32 am. Great. Only a half hour til her first class of the day. The sun shone brightly through her window and she sighed as she sat up slowly, her head still aching slightly. She rubbed her temple softly before standing up. She grabbed her towel and headed to the bathroom. She opened the door and looked up in surprise. Katsuki was standing there, freshly showered with a towel tied around his waist, fixing his hair in the mirror. He turned to face her, an eyebrow raised questionably. Sakura's face flushed bright red and she quickly averted her gaze, "Sorry..." She muttered. He smirked, "Like what ya see?" She scoffed, "Hardly." He laughed, "Whatever you say~" he said teasingly. Sakura rolled her eyes and shut the door. 'Guess I'll just have to shower later..' She thought to herself as she walked back to her room to get dressed. She threw her hair up in a ponytail and put on a purple tank top, black jeans, and her black combat boots. She looked herself over in the mirror, "Good enough" She said to herself and slid her headphones on.

Sakura headed to the main dining hall to grab a quick breakfast and sat down at an empty table. "Hey, want some company?" She looked up and saw Eijiro and two others, one with yellow hair with a black streak in it and another with black hair. She smiled up at him, "Sure!" "These are my roommates, Denki and Sero" He said gesturing at the two other guys with his thumb. They smiled at her and she returned the gesture. "Nice to meet you!" Denki said cheerily. Sakura chuckled, "Yeah, same here!" The four of them continued to chat and eat their food together. Suddenly, Katsuki walked in and headed over to their table. Sakura rolled her eyes, "Well that's my cue to leave" Denki and Sero raised an eyebrow at her. "Hey, idiots. What're you doing with this loser?" Katsuki gestured at Sakura. Eijiro's eyebrows furrowed, "Just leave her alone, bro. Can't you just be nice for once?" Katsuki raised his eyebrows at that, "You her knight in shining armor, huh?" He  smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.
Sakura stood up quickly and placed a hand on her hip, "I don't need saving. I can handle myself just fine." She said sharply. "I have to go to vocal class" She looked at the other three boys, "I'll see you guys later. It was nice to meet you Denki and Sero" She put her headphones back on and stormed out. The boys looked at Katsuki, "What's your deal, man?" Denki spoke up. Katsuki huffed angrily, "None of your fuckin business, dumbass!" He turned around and left the cafeteria, leaving the three remaining boys behind. "Damn, he really has it bad for this girl doesn't he" Denki chuckled. "That makes sense," Sero replied, laughing. Eijiro watched him leave, a look of hurt flashing across his face.
Author's Note:

Home girl was flustered as hell when she accidentally walked in on Katsuki, but hey can you blame her?😮‍💨
Bonus: Here she is when she flips Katsuki off !!

Home girl was flustered as hell when she accidentally walked in on Katsuki, but hey can you blame her?😮‍💨Bonus: Here she is when she flips Katsuki off !!

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I Hate That I Love You (bakugo x oc x kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now