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Name :

Age :

Year :


Personality :

Face claim :

Status :

Wand : 

Backstory :

Gift (if you have one) :

Drawbacks :



Crush :

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💮 Name : Peyton Robinson

💮 Age : 16

💮 Year : 5th

💮 House: slytherin

💮 Personality :

Peyton is a stubborn, hotheaded, spontaneous, cunning girl that doesn't take no for answer and a has a hunger for justice. She always finds a way to get what she wants through manipulation, stealing or sneaking.

Peyton only wants to live life to its fullest as an adrenalin junkie. Though seeking danger is her whole identity, she isn't dumb, if there is absolutely no chance of survival she isn't going to risk it.

Within only close people she trusts fully there's another side to her that others do not have the pleasure to see, a Kind side that's full of bubbly compassion. Though she had a limit of empathy as too much PDA (public displays of affection) does make her uncomfortable

💮 Face claim :

💮 Status : pure blood

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💮 Status : pure blood

💮 Wand :  Ashwood - Phenoix feather - 13 inch - Unbending

💮 Wand :  Ashwood - Phenoix feather - 13 inch - Unbending

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💮 Backstory :

Peyton grew up with a very well known pure blood family. Her father Ethan Robinson, an ex Auror, retired after the birth of his second son to peruse a safer life for his family, a sheep farm, for dragon food and clothing from their wool.

When Peyton was five, the sixth born and only girl, Ethan and Celestia (mother) divorced bitterly. Celestia left to go back to London with her family leaving the rest stranded in Alice Springs Australia.

When Peyton turned fifteen, after attending snakebinder academy for the past four years she encountered a near death experience, she stumbled across sketchy men parcipating in a secret ritual surrounded by blue flames. She was then hit with a bright green light. Her body fell into small body of water, the moonlight shone on her body as her life seemed to escaped through her lips. The water glowed a bright blue as it pulled her down, rocks around the water rolled into the water as the branches in the trees danced. This was the moment the ancient spirits blessed her with life and the ancient magic ability to manipulate the elementals.

Soon after learning how to use this ability properly by listening to the ancient sprits she received an owl from China. She wasn't the only one with ancient magic abilities, the letter and later the sprits explained one from each continent possessed a special ability, and rookwood was becoming an international issue as he was hunting down the users to take their abilities, and the European (English) was in danger and needed help.

This made Peyton convince her father to move to London to her mother and transfer to hogwarts, so she could help save the one whom was in danger.

💮 Gift: Peyton has a secret gift to cast wand less magic and manipulate elements.

💮 Drawbacks :

she can only cast her elemental power wandless, putting her in a disadvantage from deflecting spells and offen leaving her vulnerable.

The element power draws out alot of energy and cause her to faint if she uses too much.

She can make the ground shoot up rocks but she can not create rocks.

She can create fire but if it's in her hands too long it can burn her

She can manipulate water but she can not create it.

She can only manipulate the wind from her lungs or passing wind.

💮 Patronus: great white shark

💮 Bogart: fire (until she gains feelings for her crush then it's their dead body)

💮 Crush : Sebastian (or ominis depending on the rp)

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