All So Scary

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(Y/N) POV:

I was sitting at my favorite café, sipping my hot chocolate and listening intently to Ford as he excitedly talked about the latest scientific discoveries. He found out more information about these small dwarf beings, and I loved hearing him go on about the mysteries of the universe.

Ford was thoroughly excited about the new book he had read. It was a fascinating read filled with strange, unusual, and even scary phenomenons that he had never even heard of before. "Oh, really? What kind of things are we talking about here?" I said. The book delved into topics such as haunted houses, ghost sightings, poltergeist activities, and many more strange things like dwarfs, fairies, and vampires. 

"Oh, all sorts of stuff. There are poltergeists, haunted houses, cryptids, ghosts, and even some things I've never heard of before like giant tree people, manitors, dwarves, and fairies. It's fascinating." As he spoke about the book, Ford couldn't help but marvel at the eerie and eerie stories that had captured his attention. Ford was convinced that there was something more to these stories and was determined to investigate them further. He's been telling me he has been thinking about exploring the world for these strange phenomenons "Life is short, and it's too easy to get stuck in the mundane. I want to have adventures, explore new places, and see and experience things that are beyond the ordinary."

I took a small sip of my hot chocolate and looked back at Ford who generally looked happy talking about all of this spooky stuff. "That's a really awesome attitude. I totally agree. Do you have any plans for where to start?" I have never been so interested in this stuff in my life but ever since knowing Ford, all of this has intrigued me. 

He was confident that anyone who picked up the book would be captivated and left with a renewed sense of intrigue and curiosity for the unknown. "Well, I was thinking about maybe starting with some of the supposedly haunted places around town. There's a few old abandoned buildings that might be worth checking out. And then maybe we could work our way up to bigger adventures from there." We?!? Does he really want me to join him in his adventures

Ford soon realized what he said and began to blush. He looked away from me and took a sip of his coffee. I smiled "I'm totally down. It sounds like a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy stuff we might get into." Ford looked at me in surprised but smiled back while he scratched the back of his neck 

"Yeah, me too. And who knows, maybe we'll actually find something that no one else has ever seen or experienced before. That's what I'm most excited about. The unknown." As the conversation wore on, I began to notice something strange. A man sitting at the other end of the café was staring at us. At first, I dismissed it as paranoia, but as I stole glances his way, I was increasingly convinced that it was not just my imagination. "Ford," I said, interrupting him midsentence, "Do you see that man over there?"

Ford followed my gaze and raised an eyebrow as he saw the man staring back at them. "Maybe he's just curious about your stunning beauty," he joked. 

I rolled her eyes whilst I blushed like a maniac. "I'm serious, Ford. It's like he's watching our every move."

Ford leaned in, suddenly serious. "Well, if that's the case, we should probably keep our voices down."I nodded, feeling a little better knowing that Ford had noticed the man too. 

We returned to our conversation, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. It wasn't just the man in the café either; more and more people were giving us strange looks as we talked more about scientific phenomena that most people wouldn't even understand. I began to noticed all the people had something in common. They all had yellow eyes.


The afternoon wore on, I couldn't help but feel increasingly uneasy. The café was bustling with people, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. I tried to focus on the conversation with Ford, but I found myself nervously glancing around the room, looking for any sign of danger.

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