The story follows Lucifera Markov, a university student of history as her life takes a worse turn as her sister Sera is fatally injured while attempting to look into recent disappearances of historians. When Luce learns that Sera was subdued by sorcery with an unknown death spell, she has to take matters on her own hands in a dangerous spy mission, marrying into the very "family" who is suspected to be behind this. Things are not what they seem to be as she strives to get to the bottom of this confronting her own fears and toughening up in the process. Does she have what it takes?
Lucy: She is pretty much the central focus of the story so far. There is a lot of thought and effort put into the character. It is pretty much revealed early on that her sister Sera was a sorcerer. She resents being part of the family as her sister was pretty much an assassin who has trained into a killing machine. She does not want to hurt anyone and wants to create her own identity.
The dynamic she shares with her father is also very interesting. Even though it's cordial, there is a clear case of sibling favoritism. She pretty much lived under her sister's shadow and constantly compared to her, which took a toll on her self confidence. She also lacks Magic which adds to this. When she found her sister in a near death situation, she takes up the opportunity to do something to save her. But she also accepted it out of the need to prove herself and even at times disregarding her own safety. This is one of the many things that the book does so well. She isn't turned into an action heroine from Day 1. She starts off with her training, performs badly at it, gets called out. But she decides to pursue it harder realizing what's at stake and the dangers she might face, and comes on top eventually. Even after this, as a spy, she makes mistakes. Allows emotions to best her and almost blows up her cover. The fact that the character makes mistakes makes her relatable and the subsequent progression to her future perfect self becomes a journey that immerses the reader.
Through her character as a history student, the author is able to introduce the world building regarding sorcery and the possible origins of magic in this grounded fantasy world. I am not qualified to validate the historical things mentioned in the book, but there is a good amount of research that the author has done on Ancient Greek civilization and their offshoot branches. People who are into this can enjoy this book on a much finer level.
So far it's been a Lucy show all the way. Can I mention her absolutely cheeky sense of humor. It's a delight to read her passive aggressive monologues.
Arion: Lucy's fiancée. Even though Lucy's introduced to him by her trainer as a cruel assassin of the sorcerer clan that harmed her sister, even if she is forced to be with him as a part of the mission, she finds him to be straight-forward and even kind. Arion, in his part is also forced in to this and they find a common ground for a "trial-period" for their relationship. Arion is rational and treats Lucy right. Their chemistry works out great and their banter offer some good comedic moments. The bit about science fiction novels and their interactions with Maria - perceptive and fierce, but love-struck cousin of Arion stand out. He retains his calmness even when confronting by Lucy on his assassin ways. He's pretty much a mysterious character as of now. But so far, he has been the level-headed character of the main cast of Vagi characters. If you count out the passive characters like Peter and Archer. In one of the later chapters, Lucy is able to coax the information regarding his powers, which does offer an interesting picture to astute readers. It's going to get interesting with him.
Rhys: He and his hellhound are the characters that the author self-admittedly had the most fun writing and it shows on paper. He is erratic, chaotic and his mood swings like a pendulum. He likes making Lucy uncomfortable but at times tries to charm her as well. At times he is menacing, almost ending her in a casual stroll across the estate. But what the book is going for is an act of subversion is what I think. Rhys, the guy who everybody knows at this point was the reason behind Sera's condition - he outs himself impromptu - could be leading onto something bigger than the plot has so far been. Right now, he sits in the gray portion in the spectrum between black and white. Arion is portrayed more like a good guy. Rhys also is fun for the reader as his interactions with Lucy and Arion are intimidating, playful and creepy.
Gabriel: The head of the Vagi clan and is currently the driving force behind the "God Bones", a literal interpretation of the main plot point so far. He is shown as a knowledgeable person with a passion of collecting relics. His motives are currently unknown but my guess is, probably something not good. He has taken Lucy under his wing for something that seems sinister. I like the direction in which the story is moving towards and the mystery is well set up.
Special mention to Laith, Lucy's trainer and Kiernan, Lucy's family head who is a manipulative shady man who for now (until something happens otherwise) is on her side. Lucy's father gets little screen time and his character, though he doesn't want to Lucy to risk her life, is difficult to sympathize with.
Writing of the story is very fluent with no noticeable structural issues. It is amazing to see that considering the turn around time for the chapters (as I've been following it for reviewing) has been relatively fast. The descriptions of buildings and rooms are imaginative, going for pure visuals over just embellishment with adjectives. The writing can be summarized as clear and concise.
Tone of the story is fairly brisk and the chapters are fast paced with the intrigue building chapters being longer and slower, giving it time to establish itself. The whole book feels very realistic with the choices that each character makes.
Will make it short, but doing it as the author wanted it. First of all, episode names. Fantasy novels tend to spiral into a huge cast of characters and stakes, and due to that backtracking the novel becomes difficult. Not everybody has perfect memory, so having names for chapters help readers to look back. It is also an opportunity to be creative and give an identity to the chapter. There is no reason not to do it.
A couple of chapters with a changed setting. The story takes place mostly indoors and is heavily conversational. Would like to see the pattern break. It would be fun to see how perceptive Lucy is or simply when the characters doesn't feel cooped up in a room all the time. An investigative chapter or an adventure based chapter would be great. She's a spy after all. Hope those are still to come.
That's all the things I have noted so far. If a verdict is what is needed, then this is a really good start and please keep this up. It's an interesting, fun read that I will recommend for sure.
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Random[PERMANENTLY CLOSED] A honest take on Wattpad books that I read. Review is from a reader's perspective. My reviews are my opinion and not objective truth.