September 14, 2020

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She woke to the sound of running water. For a moment or two, She had no idea where she was, then she remembered she was in a villa in Greece in the middle of a monsoon and, in a panic, assumed that the roof had given away and rain was pouring in. However, as her brain pulled itself into some sort of focus she realized that the noise was coming from the shower and that the occupant was Adonis.
Clover sat up and rubbed her eyes. She must have been so exhausted from work that she hadn't even made it to the bedroom to sleep.
Adonis, chest fully covered, hair wet, bounded into the room carrying a steaming mug.
-Is this for me?- She said, gratefully accepting the proffered drink.
It contained a dark brown liquid that seemed to resemble tea.
She looked quizzically at Adonis.
-We're having to re-use the tea bags- He explained  -I saved you a good one-
-Ahuh- She said putting the cup down on the floor.- I think I'll wait for it to cool.-
Adonis dropped down onto the sofa next to her.
-We're on Holiday!- She squawked, causing his ears to ring and his brain to shuffle unhappily around inside his skull.
-I know- He said .-And we've got a lot to get through today. We need to go shopping, check out the island for nightlife, and find some breakfast.-
-What's the time by the way?-
-English or Greek?- Asked Adonis. -I can do whichever time zone you want, although my stomach is demanding breakfast.-
-Greek- She replied.-What is it eight in the morning? Eight fifteen?-
-It's past ten, so we should probably go search for something to eat.-
-Right, let me just make a quick list.- said Clover.
-Forget the lists! These two weeks are all about having fun! You've done brilliantly to arrange everything so far.-He said- Now go and shower before the tavernas in the village stop serving food.-

The walk down the hillside into the village surprised them by only taking 10 minutes. The weather was looking up too, the clear blue skies and sparkling seas like a jewel in the morning light eluded them.
The smell of damp,  wet earth mixed with scents of thyme and sage filled their noses and the rays of sunlight were warm and welcome on their skin.
An hour and a half later, the couple was ready to start the exploration. They enjoyed every minute and seized every moment.

While the stars filled the dark sky. The binomial rested their head on the beach's sand laughing about their childhood mistakes.
Suddenly she got a critical flashback, causing her to wince a little.
-You're good ?-Asked Adonis helping her to stand up.
-I guess so. I just had a flashback of my nightmare, like a terrible one. -
-Oh, what is it then? -
-I saw myself sitting alone all drunk, just mumbling why did you have to.....die like that -
- Seems like a déjà vu...-
- What did you say?- 
- Nothing, I hope it never happens love- he said taking her in a warm hug.
They both laughed, then gazed up at the sky, each one hoping to see the future.

  November nine, the same year, at Earie's center. It was a glorious day, a special and memorable one where the beloved person was born, Adonis, clover's fiancé. They were out of the house to enjoy that moment. First, stop at Tunes for a warm breakfast to start the day before heading to the fairgrounds.
While getting into the rollercoaster's seats Adonis gripped Clover's hands horrified by the incoming scene. The railway started boosting its passenger's excitement but also the fiancé's fear. The speed increased causing a combination of forces to force on the controls of the train accompanied by the sudden jerks and jolts. At a time when Clover was experiencing joy, happiness, and excitement the railway snapped accidentally throwing the train into the air to the bare surface of Earth.
Screaming echoed in the park freezing people in shock. Clover's eyes were closed as she could feel the warm liquid falling on her face and the headache that took place in her head. Finally able to move she whispered "Adonis? Are you fine ?' The question remained with no answer whatsoever she flashed open her eyes only to be invaded by a horror view of Adonis. His left arm was completely torn and his face was open showing his nose's septal cartilage where blood flooded out of control. His legs were stuck under the train as they were covered with scars.
Later on, the ambulance came with all the authorities presenting apologies to the victim's family, luckily she was one of the rare survivors of this accident. Clover was called to present her prayers on her fiancé's body. Looking at the soulless body covered with a white sheet her thoughts fought roughly inside her mind but in the end, only one remained. He was born on this day, he got back to his lord at the same one. Say cheese clover to the rollercoaster's camera, hope you had fun!

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