Resident Evil Drabble #2

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characters included:

Dakota B Ackerson (OC)

Leon S Kennedy (Canon)


“In here, we can rest up for a bit.” The male spoke, guiding the injured red-head into the small abandoned hut. “Let me get a look at those injuries.” He told her, setting her gently down on the ground as she hissed out in pain, the red-head obliged to letting the male check her over, pulling the leg of her jeans up to show the deep cut, whilst the male looked at it, then to the rest of what he could see of her body. “The one on leg looks pretty deep, I did tell you to watch your footing.” he told her, causing the red-head to huff.

“Oh, Like you’re any better, don’t think I don't see the gash in your arm, Leon.” she spoke, using one of her hands to wipe away sweat from her face, hissing at the sharp pain of getting sweat in the cuts on her face.

“Dakota, you nearly got shot earlier, I don’t know if you should be talking.” Leon said with a chuckle.

“Didn’t Ashley literally stab you?” Dakota asked, with a matter-of-fact tone in her voice

“...My point stands, you’re being reckless.” Leon told her, taking out a plant of some sort, Dakota had seen those not only around Raccoon City, but in the Village too. “you’re going to hate me for what I’m about to do.” Leon told her, glancing up to meet her gaze.

“Leon– What are you about to do?” Dakota asked him, ready to pull away as fast as her injured self could.

“Do you trust me?” He asked, having knelt down on the ground beside her.

“Of course, with my life! but not right now!” Dakota spoke with a nervous laugh, scooting back towards the wall to sit up further. 

“Then close your eyes.” He told her. his voice was calm– but there was this genuine caring 


“Dakota, you trust me. I wouldn’t do anything to damage that. This is purely to help you heal faster. I wouldn’t do anything to you that I wouldn’t do to myself.” He confided, looking at Dakota with a soft gaze. “You’re my partner in this mission, I need your trust more than ever. I couldn’t do this mission without you.” There was a small bit of silence before she closed her eyes and sighed.

“Alright. I trust you.” she finally said, keeping her eyes closed. Leon worked quickly, using the plant to help the wound. Dakota whined in pain, her leg jerking away from the feeling, 

“Hey, it’s alright, I’m almost done.” He soothed, gently pulling her leg back towards him. It was a few more seconds before Dakota jerked her leg back away from him yet again, sucking in a breath through her teeth. “Alright, I’m done. Don’t worry.” he told her, looking at her as she slowly opened her eyes, looking at her leg before looking back up at him.

“Leon. Where the fuck is it?” She asked, seeing the wound gone without even leaving a mark.

“Gone. These plants have this.. healing capabilities that are insane.” he told her, shrugging as he sat down fully on the ground in front of Dakota. The woman’s eyes flicked from her leg, to her partner. 

“And you know this.. how exactly?” Dakota asked him, to which he shrugged 

“trial and error mainly.” he said, which Dakota couldn’t help but laugh at. 

“You’re a wonder to this world, Leon.” Dakota hummed, leaning back against the wall yet again. The male chuckled softly.

“eighth one, or are we just replacing one of the old ones?” Leon mused, Dakota rolled her eyes playfully- she was glad to have a moment of semi-normalcy between the two, especially during this hell. 

“I can’t wait to get out of this place.” Dakota confided, looking up at the ceiling of the abandoned hut, there was a hole in the roof, making it to where she could see the night sky, not that there was much to see, it was all covered by dreary clouds. 

“Yeah, neither can I. Maybe after this things will be back to normal.” Leon said, leaning back on his hands, Dakota laughed a little.

“What’s normal for you?” She asked him, “aside from missions, I mean when you’re not working, you fucking work-a-holic.” Leon sighed with a small chuckle, he was amused with how easy she could read his habits, hell, they were lucky the both of them were still alive and functioning. They had both been in contact with the virus more than not. This whole mission was a mess. 

“Mainly sleeping, it’s never usually for long. I’m working more than not.” he said. It was clear he was already exhausted. “We probably shouldn’t stay here long, there’s no telling how much longer we have until they’ll find us.” He muttered, getting up from his position on the floor, holding out his hand to Dakota to help her up to her feet. Dakota slipped her hand in his, gratefully taking his offer to help. “Hey,” Leon spoke again, grabbing Dakota’s attention once again. Once the red-head looked at him he continued. “How about once we’re out of here.. We get dinner or something, drinks maybe?” Leon suggested. That charming smile of his aimed at Dakota.

“Maybe I’m looking too much into this, but that, Mr. Kennedy, sounds like a date proposal.” Dakota teased, making the male chuckle to himself. 

“And if it is?” He inquired, taking note of the red-head’s hand still being in his as she was now to her feet. Dakota felt her jaw slack as she stared at him

“Are you being serious, Leon?” She asked, her eyes searching his face for any sort of deceit. 

“Yeah, I am.” He told her, looking at her, “I wouldn’t mind spending time with you outside of working on missions.” he shrugged slightly. Dakota laughed a bit. 

“I’d like that.” Dakota said, smiling up at him. “Now c’mon, before we end up getting surrounded.”

Words: 1015

A/N: Leon my fucking beloved <3

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