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I can't do this anymore. Mum said that one day I would cross the line and I think I just have. My names Harmony. Your probably thinking: oh what a lovely name! She must be a peaceful, happy kind of girl. Ha. The truth is im none of those things. In fact im the exact polar opposite of my name.

I never used to be. My life used to be picture-perfect. I was an only child who dreamed of ponies and played with barbie dolls. Then it all went wrong. My perfect world was smashd into a million pieces.

It happened on Mum and Dads wedding anniversary. It had been a typical lovey- dovey morning complete with slushy cards, flowers, choclates and a kiss, in which they were WAY too old to be doing. I remember going "eeeewww get a room". Now I guess I know how important their love really was. As usual Dad had been getting ready for work. As he got into his B.M.W (it was his pride and joy) he gave me a kiss goodbye. I remember rushing to the living room window, as I always did to wave him off. As I watched I don't quite remember what happened. All I saw was his car spinning across the road, leaving a trail of carnage in its wake.

I remember the policeman who came to our house to say he was dead. Me and Mum already knew but apparantly we had to have it 'confirmed'.

" What a load of shit" I had thought. We didn't even have the energy to cry. We just sat at the kitchen table, in the dark. All through that night we comforted each other without speaking. Its funny how sometimes people know exactly what you're thinking. My life had been ripped apart. My Dad was dead, and had left a deverstated family behind him. Bastard.

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