My name is Louis

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Welcome to my story. My name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson, and I'm about to tell you where it all started.

When I was younger my dad left us. It was such a rough time, I learned that trusting people is not an option. You can't trust your family even. I started to believe that I was the best at everything and I didn't need anyone else in my life, so I rejected everyone that tried to get closer. No one could get to me, to the real me, to that poor scared child that just wanted love and affection.
Obviously I loved my mum and sisters unconditionally but I didn't trust them much. No one knew what I was thinking or what would I do next.
Because of that my mum took me to a psychologist. Yeah, she thought I needed help.
At first I didn't want to talk to him, his name was Niall, Niall Horan. A sweet blonde Irish boy that I didn't trust. He wanted to know private things from me, he said he wanted to help me feel good with myself. Nah, all lies obviously. So I would spend an hour sitting at his place just looking at the clock waiting for the hour to get out of there.

Until one day. It all changed. When I came to his place he said: "Did I ever tell you the story of my mum, Louis?"
I was shocked. I just denied that fact with my head and sat at the chair.
He told me everything about her. Her physical description, her manners, her way of behaving... Everything.
I realised I was like her. She also had a rough past and she "locked" herself in that sort of barrier so no one could get to know the real her. She thought, like me, that not showing who she truly was would keep her safe. No one could hurt her. She was wrong. She was hurting herself, that much that she was going to commit su1cide. No one understood her because she didn't let no one understand her. Luckily her try failed, she was caught by a boy before jumping from that building. That boy was Niall's dad, he sat next to her and he started talking about himself. About vulnerable things, he let her know him, he became weak for her.
They started to hang out more, time went by so fast.
They goy married and had a child. The mum still struggles with anxiety to this day, but with the help of her husband she gets better everyday.

-"Wow" - That was the only thing I said. After that I went to my house and kept thinking about that story. Day and night. It just wouldn't stop. I imagined every part, the dates, the day she tried to end her life, everything... I arrived to a conclusion: I needed to ask for help.

(Hello loves, I'm back, it's Lou here. I felt like writing and I wanted to keep up with this story, hope you're doing well. Sending loads of love to all of you!! Hope you like this bit of story and you comment me what you think!!
Drink water loves, stay safee
Btw, I wrote this part with that playlist, that's why I put it in here so you can listen to it while you read it, if you want.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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