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The loud school bell rang through the halls of Saint James Middle School. Students filled the hallway that Marcy was just walking out of.

The day was a Friday, much to her delight, since it meant she had two days to play video games all by herself. She was very much looking forward to it, and hoped she could beat the game by Monday.

She was so lost in thought, she hadn't noticed the brunette sneaking up on her, until she felt arms wrapping around her waist. Instinctively, she whirled around to check who it was, and was met with that soft smile and blue eyes she had known pretty much all her life. After that, she let herself relax and returned Anne's smile.

"Hey, dude! It's finally Friday, what a relief, amirite?" Anne said, her hands lingering on Marcy's waist for a split-second longer than they should've.

Marcy softly laughed and nodded along, "Yeah, I've been looking forward to Friday this whole week."

Anne raised her eyebrows in mock-shock and dramatically gasped. "No way? But don't you love learning? Why would you be looking forward to Friday?!"

That earned an eye-roll from the raven-haired girl, but she couldn't help but laugh at Anne's antics anyways.

"I mean, just because I get good grades and find learning fascinating doesn't mean I just suddenly don't want the weekends to come, I still play video games after all!"

They made it outside the school doors, and were met with the cold winter breeze as they tried to walk around the many students that kept getting in their way, whilst somehow talking casually. About anything they could, really, that's how it always worked with them. They didn't really have to try to talk though, their conversations always flowed naturally, and even if they weren't talking, the silence was comforting.

They currently weren't talking, and were just looking around at the scenery. Just listening to their footsteps and their calm breathing.

Anne snuck a glance towards Marcy, but caught herself and quickly averted her eyes straight ahead, settling on stomping a bit harder on the snow than she needed to, just to take her mind off of things.

"So, are you walking me home?" Marcy asked, slightly shivering in the cold.

"Well, obviously dude, I'd want you to get home safe for one, and for two, it's another reason to hang out with you!" Anne said, a soft smile on her face, one that made Marcy feel warm inside.

She quickly shook that thought away and stared at the sidewalk they were walking on. She kicked some snow out of the way and saw that there was some sidewalk chalk that it covered up, it was scribbled words and small drawings, most likely drawn by little kids.

Another harsh breeze passed by them, this time, Marcy's harsh shiver was more obvious to Anne, who glanced at Marcy's exposed hands and back to her own covered ones.

"Did you lose your gloves?" The brunette asked, concern washing over her voice.

Marcy noticed Anne's eyes on her hands and tried to dig them in her pockets, 'til she realized the pocket-space wasn't big enough to do so.

"Um, yeah... it's nothing, though, I'll just, you know, tough it out until we get to my house." She said, trying to shoot Anne a convincing smile, but it didn't really work.

Anne didn't even have to think to know what she'd do. She had already taken off one glove and offered it to her friend.

Marcy eyed it skeptically, "Won't you be cold?"

"I'll be fine, Mar-Mar, just take it." She said.

With one last hesitant glance to Anne's face, Marcy finally reached over and took the glove then put it on her left hand, since Anne's other glove was on Anne's right hand.

it's nice to have a friend | marcanneWhere stories live. Discover now