The break-up pt. 1

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Credits: Claudettes13

Y/n pov

Chris and I have been dating for ab 2 years now and when he made our relationship public, you guessed it, I’ve been getting hate comments non stop, and I didn’t think much of it until it become too much I couldn’t handle. Now whenever the triplets asked me to hang out with them I would try to make excuses so I wouldn’t be seen by any one at all.

But when Nick asks me to hang out with them I would sometimes say yes bc well he’s been my best friend ever since, When ever people see me hang out with me they would make fun of my make up, my outfits, everything about me.

Now it got me thinking that I couldn’t take this anymore, I have to break up with Chris.

So I went to the triplets house and knocked on the door, Matt answered

“Hey Y/n, I haven’t seen you in a while how have you been?” He asked.

“Y/N’s HERE?!  OMG MATT MOVE, HI Y/N!” Nick shouted and he hugged me.

“Hey guys, yah I’m alr” I said as I hugged Nick back.

“Are you okay? You sound tired” Matt asked

“Oh yah I just woke up.”

“It’s 1pm?”

“I just stayed up late, anyways where’s Chris?”

“His in his room, go ahead”

I walked up stairs in his room, knocked on the door.

“Come in”

I walked in and found him laying on the bed on his phone.

He looked up from his phone and when he saw me his face lit up with enjoyment.

“Hi y/n!! Where have you been? I’ve been texting you and you haven’t been responding at all??” He said as he got up and hugged me tight.

“Hey Chris sorry I’ve been busy I didn’t have time at all” I lied

“Oh okay, are you okay? You seem tired”

“Oh yah I just uhm wanna talk to you” I said

“Ok well I also want to tell you something.” He said seriously.

“Okay well you can go first”

“Okay well come I want to show you something” he said while walking to his drawer and pulled out a ring case.

“Since we haven’t see each other in a while I decided to get you something” He said as he opened the ring case and it was a lavender, diamond ring.

My eyes widened as I saw the ring. Lavender is my favorite color

“This is a promise ring, and I got it just for you.” He said as he slips it in my ring finger.

“Chris, this is so beautiful and-“

“Don’t mention it, it’s nothing, I just love you so much”

“So what did you want to say?” He asked me

Damn this is gonna hurt very badly, but I have to do it.

“Chris uhm I think you might want to sit down”

“Oh okay sure” he sits down waiting for me to talk

I sit down next to him fiddling with the ring

“Are you okay love?” He asked

I faced him “Chris I just want to say that I love you so much and I always will”

“What are you trying to say?” He asked looking at me with a serous and scared face

“I think we should break up…” I whispered but loud enough for him to hear me

He stared at me for a few seconds then scoffed “what?”

“I think we should break up” I said my voice cracking and tears forming in my eyes, still fiddling and staring down at the ring.

I looked at his and see tears running down his face in anger and confusion.

“No y/n you can’t. Why?! Have I done anything wrong?!” He shouted

“No you haven’t done anything wrong at all!” I said

“Then why?” He said softly but his voice cracking.

“I’m so sorry” I whispered taking off the ring and putting it in his hands.

He looked at the ring in his hands as tears are still rolling down his cheeks

“I love you” I said getting up and walking away

“It won’t be the same” he whispered softly so I didn’t hear what he said.

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